Them, not you
Socialisme, progressivitet, og international solidaritet! Autistic Danish Marxist-Leninist furry | Son of a libertarian | Twitter account:https://twitter.com/RasmusDamkj?t=3CjrvP7pt7TaTwQ9PofQCQ&s=09
Them, not you
Also I suggest you stop using R*ddit. Keyword: suggest
I would say mask off, but that implies they wore a mask at some point
Didn’t think about that
I don’t see anyone in the picture who matches your description
That is unintelligible
Are you referring to me?
I stopped reading when he compared Socialism in the USSR to Islam, can someone please summarise the rest for me?
STBlackST, he makes Tf2 Gmod machinimas
No, but I think I saw Life of Boris play it once
I’ve heard that the Japanese have a word for dying from overwork
(Insert joke about ogres and/or onions here)
I’m from Denmark so my health care is paid through tax
I originally read the title as “The rule of Shark”
I accept that
No offence, but that looks like egg yolk to me
Judging by the date, that was 3 months ago