Lies! The N64 controller was never considered good. That half-stick was one of the worst design choices I’ve ever seen for a controller. Too tall as a thumbstick, too short as a joystick.
Lies! The N64 controller was never considered good. That half-stick was one of the worst design choices I’ve ever seen for a controller. Too tall as a thumbstick, too short as a joystick.
Watch playthroughs on YouTube and you get to see someone else play it for the first time.
The thumbnail was a dead giveaway.
If it’s in a bank, that’s peasants’ money, not the stock options and real estate and foreign accounts and Bitcoin investments and the other thousands of ways the capitalists hide money.
And why wouldn’t they cause another bubble to pop that the government would be forced to bail them out of?
Heh, speak for yourself. I’ve been mostly living on YouTube Premium for 10+ years. Certainly better than the crap on cable.
And while the YT ad renevue space has gotten worse over the years, it’s much better than the 5 minutes of obnoxious commercials every 15 minutes from cable.
EDIT: Ad renevue, as in content creators shucking outside products, not actual ads from YouTube.
Smoking that Nintendo cash.
Almost every single study I see has a sample size that is too damn small. It’s such a chronic problem.
That’s the difference between a private company and a publicly-traded one.
Why would anybody spend $300 million on a movie nowadays? If this isn’t Avatar or Deadpool, it’s not going to make it back.
No such thing now. At least in the US.
Maybe as an adaptation of the comic book character, but he still nailed the role that the movie called for.
Well, that sounds like the beginning of the end.
Why create bad movies? It’s a waste of money in the first place.
You being very generous by calling the characters interesting. The character line-up was the most generic, by-the-numbers GotG ripoff I’ve ever seen.
I can immediately imagine the Anakin 4-panel in my head.
Well, that is until the Chevron decision got knocked down.
This article just sort of ends without the expected detail the first paragraph was alluding to. I mean, it technically described the thing in the headline, but I would hardly call this an “article”.
Can’t stand trying to pilot a spaceship on controller myself. Flight Sims were invented on mouse and keyboard, so I’m a little disheartened that Mobius didn’t implement dynamic thrust for keyboards, so that they can stop recommending controllers for what is essentially a space sim game.
You honestly think peasants could reach the king without getting gutted by their guards within seconds?