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Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • When he was born into the world, he may have wondered as a kid: ‘‘what will my legacy be?’’ What will I be known for? Though many of us are born with grand ambitions, others are more mundane in their aspirations, but Francis was a special kid, he wanted to comprehend history, the historical process, how history is made and perhaps even undone. It was this vision of such liberal self-importance that prompted young Francis to pursue the sacrilegious notion that history could come to an end. What does it mean for history to end? That no humans would be left around or alien buddies to record what we did? Could humanity teach history to apes and other advanced lifeforms so as to preserve history? Posadist Dolphin historians, maybe? Or a Bob to record what the baby Prometheuses were doing? We don’t know, but Francis knew. He saw it in 1991. The greatest threat of a good example at the time was the USSR, and while we were playing Street Fighter 2, Francis was deciphering what to do. In 1992, in some caustic enthusiasm for America #1, he not only conjured a phrase hitherto unheard, but also echoed our Deutsche freund, Nietzsche, with his concept of the ‘‘Last Man’’. It was thus that Francis finally reached notoriety, with the publishing of ‘‘The End of History and the Last Man’’.

    But what happened the exact second the book was published was that Francis realized something that had slipped his euphoric and triumphant American mind: history is continuing. History wouldn’t stop for America, there’s a whole world out there that kept making history. What audacity, we would think, being born outside of Western mythology and in the warm embrace of historicity. But Francis wouldn’t have it, he kept moving the goalpost, his claim to fame in disrepute. No matter how much he tried to reinterpret the ‘‘pseudo-historical events’’ occurring in the periphery, outside of America’s history, Francis couldn’t stop it. It was thus that no matter how much he swam against the current of history, his legacy was already written for posterity. He would forever be known as ‘‘the end of history guy’’.

  • A thought experiment came to mind:

    Let’s imagine that ‘‘socialist indoctrination’’ exists, and it teaches people about: sharing, having empathy, community, working together, supporting those in need, and also vindicating the struggles of minorities, be them ethnic or of gender, taking back the economic power from a few and giving it to the many, making housing, healthcare and education a right, because everybody needs those, ending racism, because under a socialist society ethnic differences and cultural values are respected and given a voice, having diversity, and other wholesome stuff.

    Now, let’s say this is all that our propaganda talks about, ok, now what does capitalist or liberal propaganda speak about? The individual, wealth as measure of power and influence, ‘‘checks and balances’’, ‘‘free market’’, how society is a collection of individuals each seeking their benefit at expense of others, ‘‘human nature’’, and all that crap…Now, we’ve seen the results of a society modeled this way.

    Now, tell me with a straight face which sounds better? I’d rather be ‘‘indoctrinated’’ into thinking everything is about community and living happy and fulfilling lives, instead of this dystopic individualistic Darwinism we call ‘‘society’’ in our liberal democracies. Like if both were lies, I’d still be a communist, because at face value, that creates a better world, and isn’t that what we all want? A better world? Well, it’s possible, kids, and Communism is the answer.


    Congratulations, you’ve just been ‘‘socialist indoctrinated’’.

  • Hahahaha, he just stuck out with that nickname. It cracked me up the first time I saw it, and then it turned out he was actually an authority on all things Polish.

    So I would sometimes be browsing and if I saw a topic about Poland and he hadn’t commented yet, I would think: ‘‘I bet Comrade Poland is gonna show up’’, and he would, and that would make me laugh again, and then I’d learn more from him.

    😛 Hahaha, I was a little forgettable, too, since I didn’t comment often.

  • I was thinking about something today.

    Why do average Americans celebrate independence day when that independence was won by slaveowners, realstate pirates like Washington, criminals and people of moneyed interests that do not represent the average gringo or immigrant? Like, this celebration is not for them, its for the bougies of the US. You guys see what I’m getting at? The class that had this counterrevolution is not representative of the American population, so it doesn’t make sense that they celebrate that. Specially for Native Americans or African Americans, you know?

    Washington was no Bolívar.

    When you think about independence movements elsewhere, like Martí in Cuba, Dessalines in Haiti, these people were not necessarily from just the upper class, and their revolutions had a wider spirit, that would often include natives and Africans. There was a popular support from the general population. You might say there was for the US, but it was a false consciousness cultivated and promoted by the upper class who owned slaves and didn’t want Britain to end their Christmas. These people may have used fancy words, like ‘‘the people’’, and ‘‘freedom’’, but these did not refer to enslaved African Americans or the Natives…Maybe I’m thinking too much, but it doesn’t make a lick of sense to me.

  • There is something that few have understood about the brilliance of Francis Fukuyama. You see, when he uttered those famous words: ‘‘the end of history’’, he was actually correct, but not in the way he intended. His proposal was simple: with the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the so-called ‘‘Iron Curtain’’, the ‘‘Cold War’’ was brought to a close, and the ‘‘Western Liberal Democratic’’ model was left standing. Survivor bias kicked in, and Francis thought that now that there were no alternatives to liberal democracy, this was it, boi.

    But history refused to cede her chariot, and continued marching on, revealing that ‘‘the end of history’’ was not a declaration of an event, but a warning. The years since laid bare the decadence and stagnation of liberal democracies. This is why I say Francis was right, he was warning us about what happens if we follow this model, and the results speak for themselves.

  • In popular discourse, Hungary, in 1956 was visited by a mysterious people from abroad. Where did they come from? Who were they? Some thought they were the infamous ‘‘Asiatic hordes’’ from Western mythology, that show up in history every now and then to sow chaos in the garden; others thought they were like the ‘‘Sea Peoples’’ of legend, that crushed the Egyptian Empire, and many thought they came from the jungle, because they knew these people were not relatively European, nor relatively civilized. The British papers at the time noted that these people came riding in armored cars called ‘‘tanks’’, which had apparently not been seen since WW2, and from lack of imagination and relying on western sources, they began to call them ‘‘tankies’’.