• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Yeah you are right, and thanks for offering to join you playing despite how toxic and mad I seem, and you are right that I should be more patient to wait for people a bit more.

    But also I feel like with the selected team members ranking up would be much more easy, and a bit unfair, and I would like to improve in a “fair” way. Its just my stupid way of thinking, I like these kind of challenges, but lately I feel I have absolutely no control over my games

  • If someone wants to try out rushing Khanda on LC, they don’t have to go to unranked with this

    Maybe I’m taking ranked too seriously, but ranked is supposed to be a “serious” environment, I highly doubt that trying out random stuff, that just popped out of a random players head is ok, then whats the point of unranked? Random strategies are known to be extremely volatile, and can easily ruin the game for their teammates (and possibly the opponents too). These players deliberately get weird stuff, or play extremely unusual heroes for their positions in ranked, and they are for sure doing something wrong. Its like going in a 3 lane highway with a go-kart, I’m pretty sure that this is disrespecting other players, most likely ruins their games, and is griefing

    Even afk jungling is a poor play, but it can be valid, and running into the enemies alone and dying are also mostly just stubborn mis-plays. God knows I very often go in somewhere and die uselessly.

    I don’t want to go into details, but I’m pretty sure that in that specific case afk jungling was the last valid play, and the run-into-enemies guy was not just at the wrong place, he literally just walked into enemy multiple times

    Your problem is your mindset. You can’t make other people play better.

    I’m pretty sure that it makes a toll on me. But if you are right, and most of the things that I experience is not griefing, then I have control over like 5% of my games? And the rest is a fortune game, where the point is to get the least amount of “griefers” in your team? Because if yes, then I’m sure am extremely unlucky, because it seems like I’m the only one taking ranked seriously, and the whole community (=players who play pubs) is not respecting players who want to take the game a bit more seriously

    Its insanely hard to just bear the fact that others deliberately play bad, especially when you are loosing so badly, that there is no point to stay in game. And believe me there is absolutely no comeback potential in those games, because of the mindset of those players

  • After hours of trying out different plugins the closest I could find is the lualine & tabby combination:

    About to test it during work, at first look it looks like it has everything I need, only shows current buffers in tab, and in correct order

    local lualine_theme = require("highlight").lualine_theme
    	options = {
    		icons_enabled = true,
    		theme = lualine_theme,
    		component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
    		section_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
    		disabled_filetypes = {
    			statusline = {},
    			winbar = {},
    		ignore_focus = {},
    		globalstatus = true,
    		refresh = {
    			statusline = 1000,
    			tabline = 1000,
    			winbar = 1000,
    	sections = {
    		lualine_a = { "branch" },
    		lualine_b = { empty_section },
    		lualine_c = {},
    		lualine_x = {},
    		lualine_y = { { "diagnostics", sections = { "error", "warn" } } },
    		lualine_z = { "location" },
    	inactive_sections = {},
    	tabline = {},
    	winbar = {},
    	inactive_winbar = {},
    	extensions = { "fugitive", "nvim-tree" },
    local theme = {
    	fill = "TabLineFill",
    	-- Also you can do this: fill = { fg='#f2e9de', bg='#907aa9', style='italic' }
    	head = "TabLine",
    	current = "TabLineSel",
    	tab = "TabLine",
    	win = "TabLine",
    	tail = "TabLine",
    vim.o.showtabline = 2
    local tabby_theme = require("highlight").tabby_theme
    	return {
    			local hl = tab.is_current() and tabby_theme.current or tabby_theme.tab
    			return {
    				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
    				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
    				hl = hl,
    				margin = " ",
    			local hl = win.is_current() and tabby_theme.current or tabby_theme.tab
    			return {
    				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
    				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
    				hl = hl,
    				margin = " ",
    		hl = tabby_theme.fill,

  • I tried to explain most of the things you asked in the second readme update, and also added some minor details in a third update:


    1. “Meaning of the numbers: The tens: 1: herald, 2: guardian, 3: crusader, … The ones: 0: 1 star, 2: 2 star, 4: 3 star, 6: 4 star 8: 5 star So for ex.: 36: crusader 4 star” (“The graph could be a bit inaccurate (showing 35.82 here)”)
    2. “The outcome of your lane in the first 10 minutes” … “W: win, L: loss, S: stomp” … “T means tie”
    3. “Which hero you played in the game, the first 3 letters of the hero. Should be read from top to bottom per column”
    4. PARTY: If you played in a party it will print a P, otherwise empty” … “AWARD: Stratz award for your ingame performance. T: top core/support, M: MVP, empty: none”
    5. “Here 25: x 50: x and 100: x means that ‘x’ is calculated using the last 25/50/100 games.”

    Edit: thanks for the feedback and pointing out the not so obvious parts, this way its clearer for anyone in the future (I hope :D)

  • last time (~ half year ago) they thaught me this they said chest compression is more than enough. there should be enough oxygen in the lungs and blood till professional help arrives, and as you said most of the time airway is blocked in these situations

    also most people are extremely unconfortable to blow air through someones nose/mouth, so it incrreases the number of people that are willing to help

    at least sa far as i know