Sure, and taking an in person interview or home assignment should be paid as well then to signal us that company is serious and it’s not a fake opening
Person behind Arctius for lemmy :) My other account:
I like cats and chickens.
Sure, and taking an in person interview or home assignment should be paid as well then to signal us that company is serious and it’s not a fake opening
My boss legit says that he will give me some time to work on it every 2-3 months and then drops a “customer requires X feature and I promised that we will deliver in one week”. And mind you we have to patch up to 3 major versions in the past to back port the new feature because client haven’t upgraded and won’t in near future… which means sometimes our major releases are 60-70% same as our minor patches for old versions. Semvering much?
In the universe with 20-30% of actual inflation development costs will always rise even for indie because devs have to eat something and live somewhere. Not to mention software licensing and equipment
Same guy who said that if something exists for free there’s no reason to charge for this
Great core gameplay, multiple boring or just bad patches; devs who care more about their imaginary milsim being close to their imaginary reality than about player fun; slow content rollout (still no new race despite them being leaked many months ago)
In the end I had my fair share of fun but I see no real reason to come back.
Then don’t use it or don’t complain
Spotify is cheap and that’s a fact. What’s the point of complain about single free music service?
Just… pay? It’s very cheap.
Always love blaming the tool instead of the hands that use it
That’s a con and a pro of decentralized net: if you don’t like the owner, pick another instance or create your own and be the king. Bad news is, every instance is controlled by couple regular folks who’re not responsible financially so they can imply their own rules and post and ban whatever they want.
Like the jungle: you gotta learn to survive and avoid the monkeys with rabies.
As per their ceo, they want to provide access to education to all (which is good since educated people are less likely to believe propaganda) and they do not monetize the app in that country in any way, which means no taxes going to putins pocket.
People are quick to jump to conclusions but they’re right here.
They do not have any profit in « that market » because app is demonetized in Russia and Belorussia though
That’s pretty much the main reason I migrated to proton pass… was bugging me for a year I think
Worth to note that their audio quality and anc is worse than competition noticeably. So its quality vs environment
Throwing money into the fire to escape responsibility does not work? No way!
They’re big but not even close to goliaths, their 24h online is at 40k more or less, which is nothing like CSGO or apex… Their all time high is less than apex daily active sadly.
I’m not saying their system is bad, but I am saying that it is still not tested for a large scale though.
I thought I was alone in this lol
Win11 literally made me rage uninstall it after I got mad trying to remove all bloatware and then it showed me onedrive ad
Pretty sure it’s crazy expensive on a large scale, I don’t think that people will pay monthly fee to keep playing apex/val/insert game. And more than sure these companies will try to force players to pay for it :/ Previously I had a small chat with aimlabs devs about application of neural networks for it (detecting weird patterns and irregularities, that what NNs are good at as well) but as I understood it would be expensive as well since obviously you want to run the model on your backend’s side… It’s and endless war between both sides without silver bullet ATM and I don’t really understand why people are so mad about my comment lol
Many people criticize that, but I can’t really think of any non invasive solution to draw away cheaters, except making specialized device to play the game (sort of PS4 to play one single game only?), but pretty sure it won’t take long for cheat providers to crack it as well… Sadly.
Even if they fire him, his code still exists and is still legally theirs.