Der AfD Posten zugestehen, um ihr zu schaden. Aha.
Der AfD Posten zugestehen, um ihr zu schaden. Aha.
At least for some android phones this is already possible with Lineage OS.
Nicht der VDS! Ich bin schockiert, wirklich schockiert.
und alles wieder fehlerfrei ist
lacht in Softwareentwicklung
A lot of other people who took the test got largely the same result as when they joined the company — my results had worsened (by the HR Manager’s standards) — she later told me that I was anti-authoritarian and more likely to do what I thought was right rather than what I had been instructed to do. […]
She mentioned that my chances of securing the job upon re-interviewing at the company were slim due to my psychometric profile.
What a nice thing to say to one of your senior employees. HR people really are something else. They could’ve easily lost him that day because of some random bullshit.
NUCs make really nice homelab servers. They can give you a lot of power while not sucking too much electricity. I have used three NUCs to build a kubernetes cluster and I’m very happy with them.
The only thing that made me buy additional hardware was the need for 10Gb Networking and more internal storage, which I couldn’t realize with my NUCs. I also learned to love the IPMI feature of server motherboards, that NUCs don’t offer afaik. I would recommend to use a hypervisor like proxmox which makes it easy to spin up new servers inside virtual machines - this way you don’t have to re-install your OS on the NUC everytime something goes wrong or needs to be upgraded.
Generally a NUC is a great device for a homelab, especially if you’re just starting out!
Since you’re also located in germany, I’d like to share a site I found when I was looking for my own router based on OPNsense: NRG Systems. Some of their models use pretty old hardware, but I got the IPU651 with the 19" chassis and I really love it.
Use something like pgAdmin, DBeaver or the pg cli to connect to your postgres instance. Then run the command from the changelog as a SQL query.
Maybe you could install a local mail client like Thunderbird and connect it to your Gmail via POP3? POP will download the mails and delete them from the server. Then you’ll just have to figure out how to export the mails from Thunderbird/your client of choice.
EDIT: This article contains relevant information.
EDIT 2: Alternativly you could just use IMAP instead of POP to download everything and then delete the mails from the server manually.
First offense, 72 hour unpaid leave. And better hope there’s no complaints because not wearing it is reasonable suspicion.
Second offense? Goodbye.
That’s the key. You can do a lot with technology, but many problems are not solvable with technology alone.
It does not matter how safe or reliable bodycams work if there are no repercussions for not wearing or disabling them. But since american cops are not even held accountable if they straight up murder people, nobody should be surprised that bodycams “don’t work” in a system like this.
Das einzig schlechte daran ist der Titel, da hätte ich von der Zeit mehr erwartet.
Beschissene Titel sind eine Spezialität der ZEIT. Ich weiß, ich weiß, Klicks und so. Trotzdem, die Meisten lesen doch nur die Überschrift.
You can get a quick overview via DSM, I think in the Disk Manager. For more details you could jump into a terminal and use smartctl.
Have you checked the SMART values of your drives? Do they give you a reason for your concerns?
Anyhow, you should never be in a position where you need to worry about drive failure. If the data is important, back it up separatly. If it isn’t, well, don’t sweat it then.
Why would you buy something new if your current solution works and your requirements don’t change? Just keep it.
I think this is a side effect of the 0.19 release. I could reproduce your issue with an account on a 0.19 instance, but not on 0.18.5. This will probably get fixed after some time.
I really love Boost and haven’t noticed broken features. It was a Reddit client before, so it’s already really polished and offers, in my experience, a great UX.
The only downside I see is that it isn’t open source, but I don’t care for now.
I also used Voyager for a while and it’s really good too.
Also good with Boost once I opened the image and clicked “HD”.
Wasabi S3 is nice and cheap. You’ll only pay what you use, so probably just a few cents in your case.
Oops, nevermind:
If you store less than 1 TB of active storage in your account, you will still be charged for 1 TB of storage based on the pricing associated with the storage region you are using.
Just to get the terminology right: Reactivity means that an app tracks data changes and updates it’s view automatically. An app that adapts to different viewports is called responsive.
I recently upgraded three of my proxmox hosts with SSDs to make use of ceph. While researching I faced the same question - everyone said you need an enterprise SSD, or ceph would eat it alive. The feature that apparently matters the most in my case is Power Loss Protection (PLP). It’s not even primarily needed to protect from an possible outage, but it forces sync writes instead of relying on a cache for performance.
There are some SSDs marketed for usage in data centers, these are generally enterprisey. Often they are classified for “Mixed Use” (read and write) or “Read Intensive”. Other interesting metrics are the Drive Writes Per Day (DWPD) and obviously TBW and IOPS.
At the end I went with used Samsung PM883.
But before you fall into this rabbit hole, you might check if you really need an enterprise SSD. If all you’re doing is running a few vms in a homelab, I would expect consumer SSDs to work just fine.
I don’t understand - you want a layer to hide database internals but also a web app that “is only the db itself”?