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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Ellentolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWhich way
    5 months ago

    There’s a Floatplan exclusive from two months ago, and I think another one from a little further back. As for the other comments about her leaving LTT, I’ve heard those rumours as well but never managed to find any source for them, so not sure.

  • Sivun hurstinapu.fi head:istä löytyy tuo robots meta tägi (<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">), eli lienee syy että ainakin pääsivu ei hakukoneissa näy. Tarkistin pari alasivua mutta en kaikkia, ja niissä tuo tägi oli myös.

    Ihmettelen vaan että miksi se on sinne laitettu, en osaa hyvää syytä sille sanoa tässä tapauksessa. Admin-sivujen jne. kohdalla ymmärrän, mutta luulisi että he haluavat että nuo webbisivut kuitenkin hakukoneista löytyvät.

  • Quick tip for the author and those reading, instead of doing as in the article noted e.g. sudo nano or the like, you can use sudoedit (or sudo -e). The advantage of this is that it will use whatever you have configured as an editor (through $SUDO_EDITOR, $VISUAL or $EDITOR), and will use your configuration files while editing instead of root’s, meaning if you have a sick custom neovim or emacs setup you don’t have to keep those settings files in sync with the root account. ;)

  • Ellentolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldsudo !!
    2 years ago

    Had to check since this is something I’ve been wondering myself, but apparently not possible. From the fish FAQ:

    Because history substitution is an awkward interface that was invented before interactive line editing was even possible. Instead of adding this pseudo-syntax, fish opts for nice history searching and recall features. Switching requires a small change of habits: if you want to modify an old line/word, first recall it, then edit.

    However, for the use case here, with sudo:

    As a special case, most of the time history substitution is used as sudo !!. In that case just press Alt+S, and it will recall your last commandline with sudo prefixed (or toggle a sudo prefix on the current commandline if there is anything).