Jesus - the eternal light - shines down on us.
Installing solar panels is to open the window to jesus.
Jesus - the eternal light - shines down on us.
Installing solar panels is to open the window to jesus.
Hey there. First of all, I’m glad it’s not a physiological cause. That’s a good sign.
I had a similar issue in the past, where I had difficulty swallowing anything, especially solid food. It was psychological. I also often choked on food. It wasn’t funny.
Turns out I had a whole lot of emotional issues/abuse issues from the past. I meditated a lot to find mental stability in my life. It helped me clear out a lot of issues, and also I guess it helped on the eating disorder thingy.
I’m not sure why you think that we’re all gonna die - our heritage will live on, probably forever.
I believe that the universe is infinite, both in space and in time. As such, there is a probability that humanity will continue to exist forever - and so will the consequences of our actions. Therefore, life is not meaningless.
I think you meant this as a comment to the post, not in response to me?
I guess crime exists due to two reasons:
So, pacifying the country needs a two-sided approach. On the one side, you must show people how to live a good life without being reliant on crime for basic necessities. People must be able to support themselves without falling back on criminal organizations.
On the other hand, probably the bigger issue, is that these crime organizations have a lot of money, and demand for labour-force. that means that they actively recruit new people, and draw people in. organized crime mostly exists because there’s too much money being made on the black market by selling/trafficking drugs. So I guess that it would make sense to legalize drugs (at least to a certain extent), because every $1 spent legally when buying drugs is a $1 you take away from the black market, and therefore crime organizations.
without watching the video - google search is falling apart because there’s a lot of shit content, a lot of bad articles being written.
and there’s a lot of bad articles being written because there’s a lot of authors that just want to make money from advertising, without actually caring about the content. in other words, it’s advertising’s fault that the quality of content is dropping. and ironically, it’s mostly google’s fault that advertisement on the internet got so big as it is today.
on mobile? do you really wanna know?
maybe i should learn polish
translation attempt:
being a lesbian is confusing/amazing/awesome. You tell a girl she’s looking good and she tells you “yeah, you too, sweetie”, like, I’m not asking for your friendship, i’m saying you’re hot.
we live in very special times. take a step back and appreciate how transformative the recent years are.
for a billion years, life existed on earth. in the last 200 years, we invented electricity, electric cars and transistors.
Mikrowellen-herd nutzt die gleiche Frequenz (etwa 2.4GHz) wie Wi-Fi. Bestimmt kein zufall 🤯
I guess people are afraid of sending E-mails and doing phone-calls for this reason.
The fear of accidentally pasting a porn-link into an email is immense. So much that I clear my copy-clipboard regularly, just to be double-sure.
it’s me me meee right?
Right now I can think of the buddhist “tale of the bug”.
Two (human) friends died and were reborn. One in heaven, the other as a dung beetle (a type of bug) on a dung pile.
The guy in heaven tried to “help” his friend by going down to Earth and carrying his friend to the skies. But his friend refused, because the dung pile was now his home, and he didn’t want to leave at any cost. Only then the guy realized that it is not heaven that makes you happy, but finding the place that you’re destined for.
For me it seems to be the other way around. I never exercised because I didn’t feel well. Once I got a grip on my mental issues, I started being more physically active, because it was easier. Mind the difference between cause and consequence!
People are freaking out because for years, the central dogma was to “educate yourself, that makes you special, that makes you unique, that guarantees you a prosperois economic future” and such, and now this promise is about to be broken. People are in denial: AI is a good thing.
ne also ich meinte mit “trocknen” dass du das Wasser abgießt. war vielleicht dumm formuliert :D aber es geht darum dass es gabelfest ist.
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