Can you explain the troubled history the works of studio ghibli had?
I really enjoyed those animes and would like to know what wrong with it.
Can you explain the troubled history the works of studio ghibli had?
I really enjoyed those animes and would like to know what wrong with it.
Feeling superior because you don’t understand someone else trauma is for idiots
A suicide joke without a trigger warning in my fediverse?
Not sure how I feel about it
Then why do you need slavery?
Just let prisoners apply for jobs like sane countries
I think it’s far less of a problem when users can’t put in the bare minimum
compared to mods who can’t even put in the bare minimum and provide a link when they belive they found a duplicate.
Wenn es so dringend ist hättest du auch mein Profil checken können.
Schönen Tag noch.
I blame the French for that, if you want a word to be pronounced a certain way don’t spell it totally different.
If you say so.
Mir ist das Wurst
You should look into what this is about
Yet millions of people from the arabics and Africa who don’t have an relativ easy way to get a work permit in the western world managed to do it anyway.
Btw reminder that your have the right to claim german citizenship if a ancestor lost it during the holocaust.
I absolutely would
Because the price we pay is determined by the most expensive source, that’s to ensure low costing energy like wind and solar make the biggest profit and get expanded further and faster.
Then fucking get out of that dictatorial hell and complain from a safe country
Then do the next steps, complain to the court directly, inform politicans and the press. Police not doing their job should be seen as a big issue.
Wann hatten wir zuletzt weiße Weinachten in Norddeutschland? Als ich Kind war das noch recht normal
Reading the rest of the survey makes me belive that americans either don’t know what a good insurance company looks like or that they must lie to themselves
Wasn’t trump voted by many Latinos?
Sure Dead or Alive, the game series known for their boobs wiggle physics and the beach volleyball game that let you buy more and more revealing bikinis, fights against the objectification of their characters.
Almost forgot they excist nice PR