Electrical wiring problems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69yswP-MSvQ
Immer wenn ich “mit Sicherheit” lese, kommt dieser Ohrwurm in meinen Kopf :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_I7ZBFr0WE
Algovir macht nicht abhängig und soll als Bonus auch noch vorbeugend gegen Covid wirken.
Awesome! Can we have the same thing for accounts? Deleting my Amazon account was such a nuisance…
Do you know about this homemade remake? I adore the love and ingenuity that went into making it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29s1yU3nGkQ
For me, it’s Poor Things. I watched it three times in a row, when it came out. First of all, it’s a perfectly executed movie for me, the style, the acting, the storytelling, Emma Stone. What makes it special for me, is that it embodies everything I like about my sexuality and I hope that humanity is heading in that direction of norm-breaking freedom of leading your life. Yorgos Lanthimos has a way of transporting a fresh view on possible paths for society.
https://www.mycontigo.com/products/thermal-mugs/west-loop-autoseal-travel-mug-470-ml/SAP_2095796.html Well, at least that is the model that looks like mine. The brand name changed from AutoSeal to Contigo in the last years, so it might be a bit different to mine, but function-wise it looks the same.
Contigo AutoSeal Thermal Mugs. They never spilled their contents, which I could never say about other thermal mugs. They keep everything warm/cold for a good amount of time. I’m just super happy with it, and it still holds up after 8 years of frequent, almost daily use.
Der Rechtschreibrat sagt was anderes, t oder d am Ende passt:
… Korrekt sind demnach “geliked” oder “gelikt”, nicht aber “geliket”. Analog sind “gefaked” und “gefakt” zulässig, nicht aber “gefaket”. Im Bürokratendeutsch lautet die Regel:
“Bei Fremdwörtern aus dem Englischen werden Flexionsendungen in der Regel an die deutsche Laut-Buchstaben-Zuordnung angepasst. In einigen Fällen ist auch die der Herkunftssprache entsprechende Flexionsendung zulässig.”
Fantastisch, vielen Dank fürs Teilen! Es amüsiert und beruhigt, schräge Mischung :D
I fully agree on the safety razor! I got so frustrated with the multiblade razors. Since I tried the safety razor, I never looked back. And as a woman, I don’t have a beard or super thick hair, they work their charm just the same :)
I guess you mean this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2X-gwfX4aA
Bonus video: Your dishwasher is better than you think
Maybe Munchhausen by proxy… But I’m no professional
I would add, that you should consider how much of a good example you are yourself, if you as a parent are on the phone constantly, your kids will probably pick that up and do the same.
I can understand your perspective, but I want to offer an alternative view, maybe less bound to societal preconceptions. I married my partner for many reasons, financial, wanting to raise a child together, wanting to share my life with them… But staying married for the rest of our lives is a crazy concept for us. The marriage has its purposes, but we both know that life can change and that we could decide that we had a good time, and that now the time has come to move on. A marriage is less romanticised for us, it has practical reasons. I guess being polyamorous helps with defining new relationship ideas on many levels ;)
Well, in German we say “bitte” or “gern geschehen”, which is close to the “welcome”. Of course, people can and do also say “kein Problem”. I guess in my experience it depends on how I feel about the task and the person I did it for.
They both had to die to become the symbol of saving.
Ich habe die Serie aufgrund einer Empfehlung in der SZ geschaut, und es ist ein Gefühls-Auf-und-Ab, wunderbar dargestellte Charaktere, und es war einfach von vorne bis hinten klasse. Falls die Serie hier schon mal empfohlen wurde, sorry, habe sie beim Durchscrollen nicht gesehen.