• 92 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • lemmy_99c4zb3e3@reddthat.comtodepression_now!@lemmy.worldone bad day away
    5 days ago

    I laugh when people who are not depressed tell me that life is beautiful. No, it isn’t. Life is full of cruelty and suffering, a never-ending cycle of pain and despair. I would kill myself, but I am afraid of death. I want to stop existing without going through the process of dying. People have no understanding of this issue. I am fucking tired of pretending that life is worth living. Please do not respond to this post. Discussing this only makes my depression worse. Thanks.

  • Have you ever used ReactOS? And tried to run something on it? I did, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Maybe it’s better now. I tried it three years ago. For me, ReactOS is just a toy with no useful applications. I know that ReactOS and Wine share a lot of common technologies, code or something, so they’re not competing projects, but rather they are making something good together. I doubt that these things will work on ReactOS but won’t on Wine.

  • lemmy_99c4zb3e3@reddthat.comOPtoWine@lemmy.worldWine 9.11 has landed! 🍷
    11 days ago

    single post to linuxmemes

    Yep, but this was about a wine release, not a meme. Look, I didn’t even post it on Linux Memes.

    the spamming just makes it obnoxious trolling

    There was no spamming and it wasn’t trolling. I posted it literally to three communities: Wine, Linux, and Linux Gaming. It’s not my fault that the Fediverse is fragmented!!

    btw I deleted the thumbnail. Perhaps I’ll post it on Linux Memes, but I need to rethink it first.

  • lemmy_99c4zb3e3@reddthat.comOPtoWine@lemmy.worldWine 9.11 has landed! 🍷
    11 days ago

    I want to assure you that I am a sensitive person who deeply feels for others’ suffering - human or animal alike. This was just a joke, intended as a lighthearted attempt at humor. You can’t dwell in mourning all the time; one must learn to move forward and maintain some distance from life’s tragedies. I acknowledge what happened on 9/11 as monstrous, and I’m not denying that. I deleted the thumbnail.

  • I have now three different video players. Sometimes something glitches and doesn’t play anything - no audio or black screen! Then I try another player, and voilà, it works. Maybe it’s my Fedora fault? But I don’t think so because every app I use is a Flatpak package. For now, the best of all is VLC; it works 99.9% of the time. Showtime looks very clean, similar to Clapper, but what matters most is whether it actually works or not. I don’t need another video player that has problems with playing videos. Ideally, I just want only one player.

  • What makes one a European?

    I think we can be either more or less European; perhaps I should say that there may be more or fewer reasons for being recognized as such by others.

    1. Jus sanguinis (right of blood)
    2. Jus soli (right of soil)
    3. Christian culture (I consider myself a cultural christian, although I am an atheist)

    And why should Europe be only for Europeans?

    I don’t oppose legal immigration on a small scale. However, currently there are too many immigrants “refugees” . We need to say stop. Stop illegal immigration, stop Islam, stop criminals. And what are we currently doing? We are legalising illegal immigrants; What the heck?
