• 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • nah i would bump that from a “i think” to high confidence - he made a scene where he was blatantly zooming into a spine of a book that said “black marxism” while talking about how hints to people’s political beliefs are often present right infront of you or something like that.

    i’ve also heard foreign man in a foreign land apparently has used alot of language aligned with marxism though he also, does not make ml content.

  • People should be coming out of a movie that is about the atomic bombs being horrified by such weapons and convinced that they should never be used again. Instead all they come out with is sympathy for one of the people who contributed to their creation. It’s another example of the tendency to individualize every conflict and view history through the lens of individual person’s struggles. As Marxists we are not so much interested in the character of one invidual, who i’m sure had his merits and his flaws as any human does, but rather in the bigger systemic picture, in the far reaching political and material consequences for society.

    bump, you conveyed my thoughts much better

  • (full disclosure i haven’t seen the movie.)

    can anti war films be interpreted as pro war? the Americans sure did that with full metal jacket, and star ship troopers.

    in that same train of thought,

    can a film depicting the internal struggle of a nuclear bomb maker be disadvantageous to the cause of a long lasting peace?

    I’m can assure you there will be a non zero number of people who finished watching the movie and will from now on, instead of thinking about the suffering of the people who lived through the nuclear bomb, will think “of the internal turmoil the nuclear bomb maker had when his weapon was used.”

    there is the saying that ‘there is no such thing as an anti-war film’.

    i think it kind of depends on your ability to think critically/ or just the ability to cook concepts more. but i think this movie will leave you walking away with the changed narrative/perspective and if you don’t recognise how - then it is propaganda, simply by the dictionary definition alone.

    I imagine all the downvotes is from people who take propaganda as a dirty word, like my brother in christ - everything is technically propaganda.

  • William Burns: Well, it’s something we obviously worked very hard at. I’m proud of the record of CIA and the wider U.S. intelligence community in providing credible, accurate, early warning on Putin’s plans to invade Ukraine. I mean that was why the President sent me to Moscow in November of '21, months before the war, to lay out in what was kind of an unusual step on what we knew about his plans and what the consequences would be. So we work very hard as an agency with all our partners in the intelligence community to put ourselves in a stronger position as we can to advise the President and policymakers if that day ever comes of what we see being planned.

    Mary Louise Kelly: I’m going to push you on this because about a decade ago China rolled up a lot of CIA operations in China. A dozen or more CIA sources were arrested or worse executed. Have you rebuilt?

    William Burns: Yeah. We’ve made progress and we’re working very hard over recent years to ensure that we have strong human intelligence capability to complement what we can acquire through other methods.

    from https://www.cia.gov/static/598a62b34629a8120fb16d68e440aa15/Director_Burns_Aspen_Security_Forum_Transcript_07202023.pdf

    so i’m guessing the drums of war have been beating for a while now huh? looking forward to this conflict spurring race hate. daily reminder to run cardio.

  • hello, this is an altered image, this specific artist had a period of time where right wing actors had altered and posted her work as although she was very pro right leaning.

    seeing how this is a communist leaning or “extreme left leaning” altercation, i imagine the artist would not want to be associated with this altercation or be assumed that the creator has these left leaning ideas.