meth_dragon [none/use name]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2022


  • going off completely unsubstantiated folk sayings, it takes around 3 generations of failsons to destroy a family’s wealth

    i choose to interpret this as an approximation of the half life of personal wealth under about the worst conditions possible (my made up justification being that most social structures are more vulnerable to internal risks rather than external, see: every empire in history), so given this it would make sense that accumulated wealth will not instantly evaporate to baseline when exposed to mere adverse external pressures. also, like, the sheer amount of wealth hoarded by feudal ruling class people probably would take way more than 3 generations of failsons and a cultural revolution to reduce down to pleb level in absolute terms.

  • US is aimlessly flailing, they can’t dollarize anything with high interest rates since all the money they pump out just gets sucked right back in instead of infesting the host countries and growing to maturity as it did with past cycles. in any case, i’d imagine any country that does get dollarized can probably just go the china route in the future and have china dump some more tbills to patch over however much debt got grown in the meantime

    they’re trying to sow and reap at the same time currently and while it’s not the end of empire, it probably won’t provide the results they’re looking for

    as i said before, so long as brandon doesn’t do something extremely funny before the elections, this cycle is probably a wash. one to look out for will be the next one

  • i wanted to do a lasagna bed but shit went off the rails and now my yard is comprised of a poop/rice hull/clay slurry with some leaf compost here and there

    i don’t believe this will be too much of an issue but i’m not 100 percent on this so i am asking here in case anyone has fucked up in a similar fashion and has any experience to contribute regarding tilling and mulching with almost 100% green material

  • the lasagna bed is what i was aiming for, but due to how my yard is set up it’s difficult to get more than like 2-3 layers without needing a raised bed to keep the dirt from spilling out onto tiles/patio. to get around this i ended up doing a lot of digging to get the manure/rice hull mix into the ground, but ultimately things did not go quite as planned and i basically just ended up digging up most of my yard and burying a lot of poop underneath. i’m not sure what to do next, i could just stick to the plan and keep mulching with a poop/rice/coir/dirt mix and cover with cardboard, but i’m worried about smells and bugs when summer really starts rolling in. also the dirt is way too elevated without even mulching and will definitely start spilling over into the rest of the yard if i mulch.