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so far like a few months bubble bursted on tsla stock, and thats not the first time.
Worth keeping an eye on: Zen, based on Firefox, getting quite close to Arc
i disagree as there are plenty of tools to post to multiple platforms at once. but yea if they were so kind to actually interact then yes
naja dann halt auch digital, jedenfalls seh ich nicht mehr ein auf mein minimales portmonee zu verzichten nur wegen so nem papier wisch der da nicht reinpasst und sich absolut nicht zeitgemäß anfühlt
macht ma erstmal fahrzeugschein in kartenformat oderso
mmh i look at the github org tho, but there are indeed some external contributions it looks like at least
at least the recent (non-release) docker image should have plaid support for that. It appears to require a few environment variables. Have not yet “plaid” with that but might do so soon.
Oh and for stocks, it is bound to their Synth thing, 1K request are free per month (not all of my etfs are listed atm tho). The synth api key also goes into the env. (which confuses me right now as it also is an input field in the app, dunno but works)
One thats under active development but getting more and more insteresting would be – a Rails app. It supports investments and stuff which seems rare. For import they appear to double down on Plaid, which appears to also do a Europe thing which was recently added, however CSV is also supported
du kannst crossposten aber afaik leider nicht einfach so verschieben
Sicher dass das thematisch in diese Community passt?
Heard good things about it, but if nothing changed, it still is pretty much a one-person project afaik. Thats what makes me cautious.
why tho… why would they do an article on a guess by the ceo guy… thats so weird in this context
i keep telling myself what a timesaver ansible is, while at the same time my simple scripts got abstracted and puzzled into more files, much harder to quickly read and understand them and after hours of frustration, ansible actually works. there may be multiple minutes of delay between my tasks wasting time like hell but it works (as in not randomly fails to connect). except when it doesn’t. there still is a playbook where the host cannot be reached and i keep on failing to understand why as everything appears to be the same and looks correct. there will be more hours wasted.
Sicher kann man da was patchen, es wäre aber besser und sauberer das direkt bei den Lemmy entwicklerInnen einzureichen. Eventuell beispielsweise hier: !
It was indeed down for a little while because one of the two nvmes went missing on the host. I’ve copied the containers to a different host before consulting the hoster just in case and stopped them in the process. Luckily it showed up again later so we didn’t have to rely on the already worn out other drive upon reboot that may fail in the nearish future. Check out as in such cases, i leave a note there … and also usually on Mastodon and Matrix at least :)
ive got a somewhat defective ankle joint for 2-3 years now… however i managed it to reach 10k again with some painbreaks not a smart move tho considering how the days after a run feel, and also trying to figure things out with doctors but i am seriously missing running. perhaps it could also help not to run in barefoot shoes in this condition, i am not sure… that by itself does not really feel wrong.
regarding the op image here, i have long hair and when it rains, i do not use a jacket - instead i enjoy getting wet and open up my hair on purpose :P
thats an ios client – normally i use voyager which is also available for android (it’s been a while since ive tried other apps i must admit)
And note: I keep trying to do whats best for the community. I am always open for ideas and opinions. :) If i don’t respond to something, it is very likely that I once again failed to manage my inbox and tasks. 😅