• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • mouserattoich_iel@feddit.orgich🔙🔫iel
    7 days ago

    Top - nachdem zumindest ein Teil der Leute durch Covid dafür sensibilisiert wurde, dass es mist ist sich krank ins Büro zu schleppen, würde dieser Vorschlag genau das Gegenteil bewirken. Abgesehen davon dass sowas nur jm vorschlagen kann, der davon nicht betroffen ist bzw. der sich einen solchen Gehaltsausfall locker leisten kann. Gibt genug Menschen, die sich keine Gehaltskürzung erlauben können, weil das Geld dann für essentielles fehlt. Krankheit zu bestrafen ist niederträchtig - soll er in die Usa gehen, wenn er da Bock drauf hat.

  • He seems to actually believe there is a way to live forever. And he’s spending millions per year to get there. He said he wants to show the world how to stop ageing. When asked how everybody should be able to spend as much resources as he does, he said society has to figure that out. Besides the fact that cost-intense trestments will only benefit the wealthy there wasn’t one word about overall resource management, when people will die much later, but babies are born continuously. And the sentence about society has to figure it out really made me angry. Society already figured out billionairs are an issue and often enough the cause for many poor people suffering. But this doesn’t change anything, cause the rich make the rules.

  • Reminds me of a friend’s story who worked at a construction market. An old lady wanted to return a toilet brush - used of course. Her reason was that “it’s not dishwasher-safe”. I don’t want to touch this lady’s tupperware, neither do I want a worker, a table or a spoon at a takeout restaurant to touch it. Tbh I want a saftey distance for all food related businesses - and myself - of at least 2m all the time to anything which has been in that dishwasher.

  • mouseratto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneUgly car rule
    2 months ago

    Would always prefer this reasonable priced vehicle with european safety measures over the ridiculously overpriced, rusty garbage container cutting fingers off or trapping people inside because of an update on a hot summer day.

  • Also at least in my country I can call in sick if I have a headache, will be paid for the day and there is no number of paid-time-off-days, which will be subtracted by one when I do so. The employer continues to pay up to 6 weeks of salary if you need to stay at home due to sickness, and for a period longer than 3 days you need a dr to confirm you’re sick. The number of sick days per year depend on you actually being sick - I was baffled when I learned this is a fixed number in the US (at least for some) . I guess the motivation to work sick when you have a limited number of paid sick days also contributes to the usage of pain killers.