Parculis Marcilus

A Linux nerd who loves anime, manga, history, and philosophy. Devoted FOSS proponent and socialist with international tendency. He/Him

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023

  • Particle physicists had their chance on trying prove the existence of any new particles with CERN and their newest project but ultimately they failed to discover any. First, it’s too costly. Second, their theory on bridging the major two theories (relativity and quantum physics) with the assumably new particles is simply too complicated that involves a lot of constants compared to other theory models. There are better way to advance the progress of academic physics, but building a new collider would not help.

  • unproductive

    Another words to spell severely underpaid


    I guess having a clean house is a barbarian way to live a life

    If this claimants are true to the American, then what American needs are slaves or forced labours becuz they don’t want to do a damn thing by themselves. Women are forced to do housework despite having “full rights” is all due to the dominant patriarchal social structure. When the men deem something unproductive or tedious, they’ll simply delegate their responsibility to women, whom they sees as a subordinate instead of being equal. This doesn’t mean housework is bad, it is socially viewed “bad” due to its unpaid nature plus exploited by the dominant gender.

    The solution is not to “liberate” women from the works, then replaced them with foreign labour, which is what’s happening here in my country (which unironically mostly composed of women). We have to undermined the factors that contribute to patriarchal hierarchy, by eliminating wage differences, enforcing equal parental leave (paid), socialises childcare institutions, and actually pay the full price of doing housework.

  • Parculis🤡 john kirby
    28 days ago

    Oc the so call objection on Zionists aggression on Rafah is just for show, trying to remove US complicity in this ongoing genocide while sending endless military equipments and intelligence to ZDF. They’ll watch closely to see it happen, while laughing at the background enjoying the free cannibalistic entertainment to reassert their dominance in West Asia.

  • Is there a paywalless version of this article? If it’s Chinese version is also suffice since I can read in Chinese. Needless to say, this new is especially encouraging to see when it’s coming from a well-respected press in China. Even as an observer that is critical of China government, it is an especially good move from the them, just that I’m still hesitate to trust their local counterpart. As I’ve learnt more and more about China history after the overthrown of KMT, local bureaucrats always find a way to sneak pass through the legislation and suggestion from the central committee and fuck it up either for show or their own benefits. I wish this time it’ll result in a successful financial move cuz I’m really worry about local citizens of their financial stress after the crash of major housing developers.