What about this one? https://vocore.io/
What about this one? https://vocore.io/
For real, what are you using this one for? If I take the compression ratio into account (times 10), subtract meta data (minus a third) and consider the character encoding (two bytes per character) I still get around 5000000000 characters. That’s all numbers? You wouldn’t store binary content in there, would you?
Anyway, take a decent pc with at least twice the memory the file will need uncompressed. Kill all other applications. Open up your file and split it up. Make a separate file for each worksheet. If there are more than 100000 rows, split them in separate files too. Don’t embed any binary content.
And for god’s sake: use a different tool. That very much depends on what you are trying to do. What is it?
Aufgrund persönlicher Kontakte in eines der wichtigen Bundesministerien kann ich euch verraten: Da gibt es eine Staatssekretärin, die ihre Leute damit beauftragt, eine KI zum Redenschreiben zu bringen. Die Mitarbeiter verzweifeln jetzt schon, die Zuhörer dann später.
There was an Indiegogo campaign some years ago which I used. Those vocores work well but are quite slow. Actually, I should go through my storage and bring mine back to life.