I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.

All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • Sem@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlAndroid's new anti-theft features
    1 month ago

    Automatic AI-powered screen lock for when your phone is snatched. Theft Detection Lock is a powerful new feature that uses Google AI to sense if someone snatches your phone from your hand and tries to run, bike or drive away.

    Does it mean, that “Google AI” will running 24/7 in background, measuring how I use my phone, with an access to accelerometers data and location data?

  • Maybe my opinion is biased. But in Russia where I was living until the beginning of 2022, only in Telegram you was able to find channels on independent media and bots, like “smart vote” (the project of russian opposition about coordinate voting against ruling party). And I understand that if opposition leader can easily create bot that would be very hard to block, then anyone, including spammer, can easily create such a bot that would be very hard to block. That is the reason why I still like Tg and thier approach to the business, when they allow almost everything to almost everyone on their platform.

  • Imo, it is a kind of trade-off between speech of freedom and easy automation/integration and all this spam. I’m ok with it, just a couple of marks in settings (like only my contacts can send me messages). If one wants to have a spam-free space, they can go to Facebook Messages or something like this. I can not imagine how Telegram can fight all this spam without hiring a lot of moderators like Facebook. Even to hire moderators, Telegram needs to change the business model and start selling user data for advertising.

  • Thank you! The conclusion is quite good, like use spark as ETL and Presto (Trino) for analytical queries but the article looks very outdated.

    Spark is not about RDDs. Today the most usage of Spark is via DataFrame API. And it is not just syntax. The Catalyst itslef provide a lot of performance optimizations, like predicate pushdown on the level of orc/parquet reading, automatic skew joins detection, prunning, etc.

    Also Presto in this case should be called as Trino because there was a rebranding in 2020