• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Yesterday, I spent the day with my girlfriend and my roommate, we went to a local Filipino festival (both of them are Filipino), kinda boring, mostly just groups recruiting and realtors peddling their services. Otherwise a good day.

    Today, I went for a 25km bike ride around the city, along the beach to the main university for the region for lunch. Total 140m elevation gain. Feeling proud of myself, not the longest ride, but one of the toughest hills I’ve done so far. (NW Marine Drive towards UBC for any locals, feel free to send a message if you are!)

  • I am a big proponent of using UI libraries. I started with bootstrap after learning it from scratch, and I’m glad that I did, since you will certainly need to make tweaks and you should know what’s going on in the backend of what’s being obfuscated to be able to make those adjustments.

    So I would say yes, at least learn a bit of it so you’re not trusting it blindly. In terms of pragmatism and ease of building it, definitely.

    I would take a look at material-ui as well, I personally think it looks better, but it’s up to you.

  • 1 - I’d recommend namecheap (approx USD1.50/mo) for your host, as I would assume it’ll just be a static site without any dynamic content (databases, accounts, etc.). Most likely all you’ll need is a text editor and a webserver that you can use on your local machine (apache, nginx) for testing. Feel free to ask me any questions on the development side of things, I’ve made some decent sized web development projects.

    2 - I’m not personally familiar with it, but you could try hosting your videos on a peertube instance.

    3 - I don’t think it should be an issue, but study up on the copyright laws in your country and the exact licenses that the media that you’ll be posting carry.

  • I’ve started reading Subversive Lives: A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years by Susan and Nathan Quimpo. I found it after reading The Jakarta Method and wanting to read more leftist history of SEA. (Also strongly recommend for anyone interested in anti-imeprialism)

    I’ve only read about 1/6 of it so far, but I’ve found it very informative of the atrocities committed by the Marcos family. I’m genuinely brought to tears several times in the book reading the first hand accounts of the terrors brought upon them. What’s been very interesting so far is how much infighting and splintering that occured between the several revolutionary groups of the Philippines of the era. One brother of the author was actually killed by his comrades early on in the book.

    If anyone here has read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it as well.

    Afterwards I’d like to read State & Revolution (yeah yeah, baby leftist, I know)