• yetAnotherUser
    3 hours ago

    Maybe if you opened your eyes you would notice that sitting at a table full of fascists is slightly different than a state visit.

    Quick breakdown:

    Willy Wimmer is a German fascist - or as Wikipedia calls it “nationalist right-wing” former politician. He has written for the far-right extremist shitrag Compact, for “alternative media” (aka nazi blogs) and for Russian state media.

    Cyril Svobado has been invited to observe Azerbaijan’s 2013 presidential election and mentioned that everything was “fair and transparent”. An election result was accidentally released before voting began in that election. He has also given an interview to “Voice of Europe” who are infamous for interviewing nazi politicians across Europe.

    Emir Kusturica is a Serbian nationalist, supportive of war criminal Radovan Karadžić and has expressed support for the “Greater Serbia” ideology. He is a supporter of Russia’s war against Ukraine and a “personal friend” of Shoigu.

    Why is Jill Stein sitting on the same table as Russian-sponsored nazis?

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      The most powerful man in the Western World shaking hands and smiling with a mass murdering despot is fine, just so long as the US can claim some kind of diplomatic advantage out of the visit (spoilers: they didn’t).

      But Biden’s done far worse than grab a table with a handful of despotic fascists. He’s put genocidiers on his advisory committees and his VP has taken their endorsements on her path to the White House. Look up

      John Negroponte: US installed dictator of Iraq during the occupation. Responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis, both through the brutal massacres initiated by US military officers and deliberate starvation of dissident Sunni communities. He oversaw the helicopter patrols that would become famous in the “Collateral Murder” video, filmed in July 17th of 2007, and released by WikiLeaks. Negroponte endorsed Biden in 2020 and fundraised on his behalf. He’s endorsed Harris four years later.

      Elliott Abrams: A participant in the Iran-Contra Affair and an adviser for both Bush and Trump on Latin America. He was appointed to Biden’s “Council on Foreign Relations” and advised the president towards hawkish military policies all through Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Brazil. He’s had his hand in everything from the Cuban Embargo, responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands thanks to restrictions on medical and food trade, to the rape of nuns in Nicaragua.

      We can keep going down the list. Jeff Zients, Biden’s Chief of Staff, who was one of the pioneers behind the misinformation hub Cambridge Analytics. This was the tool Russia used to target voters on Facebook in 2016. William J. Burns, Biden’s CIA Director, who served as ambassador to Russia during the Bush Jr administration and the close collaboration between the US and Russia in the War on Terror. Responsible for the kidnapping and killing of an uncountable number of “suspects” swept up in the Bush Era black sites projects in Syria and Jordan. Neera fucking Tanden, Director of the Domestic Policy Council and bag woman for the Clintons going back 30 years. She vocally advocated for the bombing of Libya while working in Hillary Clinton’s Sec of State office. Another mass slaughter, followed by military rule and open slave markets in the shadow of French and US intercession.

      Why is Joe Biden surrounding himself with these fascists?