b) telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default. And not end-to-end encrypted at all for group chats. That’s kind of a dealbreaker. Telegram is one of the last messaging apps I’d recommend.
In my country whatsapp messenger can and will be seen by the government if there is a request. Have heard it many times.
I don’t think any messenger or anything you write is actually secure or actually private. We just came to terms with that.
a) because it’s what everyone I know uses
b) telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default. And not end-to-end encrypted at all for group chats. That’s kind of a dealbreaker. Telegram is one of the last messaging apps I’d recommend.
It’s also closed source and doesn’t really specify the specifics of its crypto implementation or really even the underlying technology.
Edit - I was apparently mistaken or my information is outdated. MTProto is indeed open source, though I swear that hasn’t always been the case.
It is open source, & they are also a non-profit organization.
Here’s the source code
It’s open source.
deleted by creator
In my country whatsapp messenger can and will be seen by the government if there is a request. Have heard it many times. I don’t think any messenger or anything you write is actually secure or actually private. We just came to terms with that.