Don’t really care about rooster teeth, but I like funhaus, I hope they get to spin off on their own.
What is Rooster Teeth and why should I care?
They made sitcom shows out of halo the videogame when all the millenials were children so they’ve coasted off of nostalgia until now.
Rooster teeth made the Rvb machinima which was really bad and most certainly problematic (I haven’t seen it in 2 decades). The only reason why it’s remembered is because it was one of the first. Apparently it now has like 20 seasons and uses blender instead of a Halo game. They also made the Rwby anime and, from what I remember from the hbomb video, it was consistently really bad and repeatedly failed at basic storytelling. Its only saving grace were the fight scenes animated by the Master Chief/Samus video guy but he ended up dying. They eventually used racism as a plot element but handled it really poorly, and one of the writers made creepy comments about one of their characters who goes to some type of school.
This sucks for the workers but in a sane world rooster teeth either wouldn’t exist or would have died long ago.
yeah they got better at making stuff (well, they got more money to hire people who were better at making stuff) but they never quite nailed making a coherent, cohesive story, they were better at gags and one-off cool action scenes
People who made Red vs Blue, RWBY, and Achievement Hunter. I was never much of a fan, but they were massively influential in gaming on YouTube.