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    11 months ago

    March 11, 2024

    • Brush: Simpsons Chubby 2 Jade 27mm HMW

    • Razor: Koraat 14-2.0 8/8" Full Hollow

    • Lather: Ariana & Evans - Peach & Cognac - Soap

    • Toner: Thayers - Lemon - Toner

    • Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - Peach & Cognac - Aftershave

    • Fragrance: Floris of London - Jermyn Street - Eau de Toilette

    • Talc: Yardley Classic
      2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

    I always enjoy Peach & Cognac. Terrific scent IMO.

    I find it fascinating that I now get much better 2-pass shaves with a straight razor than with an safety razor. This took a while to develop. Somewhere in my first hundred days I was able to get a BBS shave with a straight, and in the 100-day timeframe, I was able to maintain equal closeness and comfort between the two razor types. Somewhere around 400 straight razor shaves (I’m at 470 now) I noticed that a shave that was on autopilot with a straight is generally a little closer than a shave on autopilot with a safety razor. And my skin feels better after a straight shave than after a safety razor shave. This certainly makes using straights on weekdays something I look forward to.

    Great shave today, and I look forward to using SBS later this month!