… that creep can roll man.
Because I had to look it up as I was curious….
Yeah, but he’s a pervert, Urda.
When he moved down to Hollywood he had to go door-to-door to tell everyone he was a pederast.
Is more funny after you watch it more than once. Walter put everyone in only two categories. Dependable or not. And if you were in the second category, you likely were a pervert or had some other derogatory trait. No way to know if he just spreading rumors or latched onto one.
I wish more directors made shows like this.
There is a spin off sequel called The Jesus Rides which suggests Walter was exaggerating.
What’s a pederast?
Donny, please.
With a coke nail 😂
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8 year olds, Dude
He’s got that certified too, alright.
Nobody fucks with the Jesus!
I’m sure there must be one lucky one
Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
800? More like 8 year old’s, dude.
299 ring? Isn’t that insult to injury?
Its either a ring pointing out your bad luck to not pick up that last pin, or it shows a maniac who was willing to throw away a perfect 300 just to get a very specific bowling ring.
Both sound like something a ring would be good for.
If I got the 300 ring, I’ll definitely go for the 299 ring next.
What about just another 300 ring?
gotta catch them all.
Can you trade two in for a 600 ring?
Far out man
He also has a coke nail to open those pesky glass bottles.
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I wish we had got a scene where they beat the pervert up
But you don’t know if he really is a pervert or just the opinion of Walter? With Walters opinion of everyone, it is hard to know.
If you did not know either, Walter pulls out a gun which from an outside view makes him possibly far worse than Jesus. He certainly was an angry guy of which Lebowski uncharacteristically points out during the ashes scene.
Great build of characters. Good show that I think is underrated but similar quirky characters, Homegrown with John Lithgow.
Jesus was a pederast, his bowling partner is his parole officer
So Walter says. But it would be the kind of thing he would say and even more so, believe.
I was in a band called Jesus Was A Pederast. We were universally reviled.
How would you know?
She kidnapped herself man.
the only thing walter was right about was that bunny kidnapped herself (is that her name?) otherwise he was completely wrong on about everything else
Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism …at least it’s an ethos…
Lol. Not a damned thing about TBL is underrated. It’s all fully rated and has been for decades.
That’s not what they said.
Homegrown is underrated or maybe better said, not well known. TBL good as it gets.
Walter pulls out a gun which from an outside view makes him possibly far worse than Jesus
Idunno, if he really was his own dad, he’s still done MUCH worse over the millenia tbf… 😛