• Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It’s common knowledge that the creative designer hates MTX and chooses to put easily accessible items in the store to satisfy capcom shareholders.

    Nah not common knowledge.

    Doesn’t matter. Call out shit when you see it. What’s really disappointing is your fanboyism to all of this.

    This is unironically some of the player-friendliest MTX we’ve seen in years for single player adventure games, no actual content walled by dollar value on the disc, but people like you who haven’t even watched ten minutes of gameplay are generating infinite negative press.

    Do you realize how you sound? I was originally going to mock you, but I really believe you mean well.

    Don’t defend this practice.

    Imagine if they put ads on the pause screen. If someone said, “It keeps video game prices low!” That’s extremely debatable. You can point to how cheap games are. You can point to how many games are made without ads. You can show data how developers don’t see a penny. You can even point to the thousands of games that were released without ads on pause screens.

    Wouldn’t your efforts be better focused on actual predatory titles?

    Who cares about Magical Girl mobile gacha or whatever. If Nintendo made micro transactions in a Zelda game that’s this idiotic, you bet people will shit on it. Capcom is a major game developer, and by doing this, they’re signaling to other companies that this is okay.

    That’s unacceptable. And Capcom deserves all the bad publicity.

    You can absolutely go, “It’s all optional it’s all easy to get you don’t have to spend a penny”… Your willingness to make it the norm is problematic.

    • homicidalrobot@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      You don’t understand the difference between content and convenience DLC. MTX and ads are not equivalent. The game does not show you these purchases outside the store page. You’re a bandwagon rider and that’s cool I guess, but it’s clear you have absolutely no nuance when it comes to dlc practices and you’re looking for internet points via a reddit style dunk. Nobody mentioned gacha but you, nobody mentioned nintendo (MUCH WORSE COMPANY THAN CAPCOM LMFAO) but you, maybe get a few years on before you started deciding you have a clue about the industry (or most consumers!).

      After a peek, you’re a reddit content reposter so I’ll be blocking you either way lmfao