I never argued the definition, I argued the etymology. That they are slang for the same word. They are both shortened versions of the same word.
Whatever other made-up argument you thought we were having is irrelevant, either you didn’t understand and you should admit it or you moved the goal post which is sad.
I bet you’ll double down, though. You seem like that kind of guy.
From the dictionary;
People like you are why I have trust issues.
Those appear to be examples that were made of recently. That’s a pretty bad dictionary cuz it doesn’t actually say when the examples are from.
deleted by creator
I never argued the definition, I argued the etymology. That they are slang for the same word. They are both shortened versions of the same word.
Whatever other made-up argument you thought we were having is irrelevant, either you didn’t understand and you should admit it or you moved the goal post which is sad.
I bet you’ll double down, though. You seem like that kind of guy.