I remember when I joined here that tchncs did not federate with Lemmygrad. Is there a reason why it is now? I don’t think it’s a good instance, since it full of (roleplaying) communists hating on the western world… and I wouldn’t want that shit in my “All” feed. Thank you.

  • zazaserty
    vor 2 Jahren

    I dont like them either, but I prefer to federate with as many instances as possible. Its our choice as users to block instances on our feeds or not.

    • Double_AOP
      vor 2 Jahren

      So you would be ok to occassionally get Gore, Nazi shit, CSAM and other awful stuff in your feed?

      • AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org
        vor 2 Jahren

        TIL being a communist who criticized the West for the evils of our society is the same thing as gore, Nazi shit, and csam.

        Cry harder lib

        • Double_AOP
          vor 2 Jahren

          Not necessarily the same, but what I said would also be a consequence of the “users free choice”.

          Also yes, Communist and Nazi shit is the same!

          • AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org
            vor 2 Jahren

            Tell me you know nothing about communism and nazism. Wanna know the craziest shit? Throughout the world since the end of world war 2 a pattern has emerged. Communists would launch a revolution to overthrow western backed dictators and the US would support fascists to keep them under control. Even before WW2 the Nazis got most of their ideas from the US, a liberal democracy. Curious. So if we have the communists, the Nazis who are fascists, and the US who support fascists which two sound more alike to you…

            Now if you want to argue the bolshevism is authoritarian as fuck then sure yeah it is. But that was only the dominant strain of communist beliefs because the libs betrayed Rosa Luxemburg to (surprise surprise) the fascists causing the revolution in Germany to fail and passing the torch to Russia, land of oppression and the Tsars. Is anyone shocked that the people in one of the most backwater oppressed parts of Europe turned out to be authoritarian as fuck? And once they became the only state pushing for communism every other revolution had to enact their brand of communism or be left to fight the US on their own.

            The ideal of Nazism is to oppress and destroy the other while building up the “tribe” and maintaining traditional power structures.

            The ideal of Communism is to liberate the masses and achieve equality.

            They are not the same.

            • Double_AOP
              vor 2 Jahren

              The ideal of Communism is to liberate the masses and achieve equality.

              So far we’ve seen dictatorships that killed the masses ._.

              • AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org
                vor 2 Jahren

                Same thing with the West that you are so opposed to critiquing. And I know you know how to read so I know you know WHY it is like that. But it’s not the only way. The free territory of Ukraine and Anarchist Barcelona were both communist and neither of them were authoritarian in their “rule”. They were the only real attempt at actual communism vs what the Bolshevists did, which was create a strong vanguard state until such a time as communism was ready to come forth. And they were both effective at doing it. They only disappeared because of the wars they were in (Russian/Soviet civil war and Spanish civil war respectively)

                • rocketeer8015
                  vor 2 Jahren

                  I wonder how korea fits into that view, overthrowing the western backed dictators sure didn’t work out that well for the North Koreans. And what are your thoughts on the Khmer Rouge, chinas mao etc… I don’t think any of those regimes would have turned out any nicer even if there had been a successful communist enclave in Europe.

                  It looks to me as if communism in practice is little more than a thinly veiled ploy to fool uneducated masses into accepting a authoritarian government. Personally I think that it’s a fragile system that’s extremely vulnerable to be taken over by authoritarians “in the name of the people”. It‘s an idealistic system, and idealism is similar to religion in the sense that it’s prone to radicalisation because it’s members consider themselves to be right and just by default. It’s also prone to sacrifice individuals(even lots and lots of individuals) for the sake of the “whole”, which tends to be the 1% at the top in practice.

                  • AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org
                    vor 2 Jahren

                    Korea. You mean like South Korea which had a military dictatorship at the time of the war? The problems with Korea largely come from a few issues.

                    1.) Strong USSR influence on their ideology of Juche. 2.) During the Korean war the United States bombed North Korea more than all the bombs dropped on Europe during WW2. We actually ran out of targets to bomb because we bombed so much. Still NK bounced back after the war and for awhile was much better off than SK was despite the horrific prison system there (which I won’t even attempt to defend. But again, this is what happens when Russia is your primary influence. 3.) They are completely isolated from the rest of the world.

                    You also need to consider why Korea was ripe for revolution in the first place. They were colonized by imperial Japan and were enslaved and their entire way of life threatened by them. Many of the communists in the region started as liberation fighters attempting to remove the Japanese from their land. After the war America switched places with the Japanese and began to occupy Korea and installed a government friendly to them, a government filled with collaborators who worked with the Japanese during the occupation. Even before the Korean war broke out that pro American military dictatorship began executing people assumed to be communists slaughtering entire villages and committing horrible massacres. To many of the communists in the north they viewed the American imperial occupation no different than the Japanese.

                    China was extremely connected to and influenced by Stalin. Maoism, also called Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, or MLM is literally an extension of the Marxist Leninists beliefs created by Stalin and Lenin. Had their been a less authoritarian communist influence in the region who knows how Mao would have operated. There were certainly people who had libertarian communist beliefs in the region involved in the early resistance in both China and Korea to both European colonization and Japanese occupation. However these voices were largely silenced thanks to the strong influence of Stalin.

                    The Khmer Rouge has absolutely nothing to do with communism. Similar to China Korea and Vietnam, Cambodia was colonized by the Europeans, and Cambodian rebels were attempting to liberate their lands. Pol Pot was not a communist. He aligned himself with communism to get help from others but was not a believer. He literally wanted to destroy the working city dwelling classes and return cambodians to nature. That’s the exact opposite of what communists believe. Not to mention that Pol Pot was supported by the United States


                    As an attempt to weaken Soviet influence. And it was the communists in Vietnam who actually invaded and removed the Khmer Rouge from power. So if anything, Pol Pot is a strike against the west. Not against Communism.

                    All of your last paragraph is a critique of Marxist-Leninist belief and I agree that it is a terrible ideology. But just because ML is communist doesn’t mean all communists are ML. As I pointed to before, the Spanish had a very strong libertarian communist influence in the form of the CNT-FAI who were defeated not because their government failed but because the Soviets played power games while the Fascists under Franco received troops and arms from Italy and Germany.

                    You also have the Makhnovists in Ukraine lead by Nestor Makhno who believed in the Soviet system (Soviet means workers council and not ML. The Soviet System is basically that the workers should get together and decide how to run things themselves). Makhno fought against both the USSR and the Europeans who were attempting to secure victory for the Tsars. Makhno liberated the villages from both the reds and the whites (USSR and tsarists respectively) and liberated the people. He told them that he came to destroy the old ways of power, taught them how to organize themselves, and said he didn’t care how they did it, they just couldn’t go back to how things were. Their movement grew and in 1919 they controlled most of Southern and Eastern Ukraine, including some major cities even though their base was primarily with the peasants. They instituted civil liberties in the region for the first time ever. Literacy rates skyrocketed, and the people successfully organized themselves into a non authoritarian Soviet system. The way that Lenin described how it should have worked before he came to power and switched up. They would have continued to work except they were betrayed. The Makhnovists aligned with the reds temporarily to drive out the last of the whites in the region and after a tough fight where the Makhnovists did most of the fighting they were ambushed by the reds the night of their victory while they were celebrating and drinking in their camp.

                    The Free Territory of Ukraine (the name the Makhnovists fought under) and the CNT-FAI both provide examples of how communism can and should work. Under their reign the people prospered and flourished. They were defeated by war and betrayal both. Not because their government didn’t work. That would have been true even if they were liberal capitalists aligned with the West.

                    Today, while not explicitly communist (but definitely heavily influenced by communism) you have places like Rojava in Syria which is the single freest place in the middle east, attempting to bring Murray Bookchins communalism into being while creating an ethnic homeland for the Kurdish peoples. You also have the EZLN in Chiapas who are fusing leftist belief with traditional Mayan culture to create the last holdout of Mayan culture and civilization in Chiapas.

                    Neither the Kurds in Rojava, nor the Zapatistas in Chiapas are perfect. But they represent a resistance to imperial power and the hope of oppressed peoples to have their own homeland.

                    Communist beliefs are not authoritarian in nature. The ML’s and MLM’s mistakenly believe that you need authoritarian governments in order to destroy the capitalists and bring about communism which is supposedly their end goal. I do not support them in that. Communism can only come from destroying vertical hierarchies. You cannot bring about communism through the use of new vertical hierarchies, because as you’ve correctly pointed out it’s too easy for someone to rise to the top. That is why the successful libertarian communist attempts first destroyed the hierarchies and organized the people along democratic horizontal structures.

                    If you are open to learning more and like to read I’d suggest you read The Conquest of Bread by Pyotr Kropotkin. It’s a plan for how a communist revolution in Paris could have worked and organized itself. The first half is very interesting in my opinion. The second half gets bogged down in details and numbers specific to the ideas and reality of Paris in the early 20th century. But the vision Kropotkin lays out for society is amazing and one that I would absolutely love to experience.

            • reedbend
              vor 2 Jahren

              please debate this somewhere else, this is not the place

      • zazaserty
        vor 2 Jahren

        I want to be able to choose what I see. I think we all should. This is just my opinion.

        • CookieJarObserver@burggit.moe
          vor 2 Jahren

          You can just make a account there, regarding the commies its literally a legal issue, they do genocide denial and partially celebrate it…