Barry Goldwater wrote the right wing manifesto in 1960 and each righty since Nixon has been trying to follow the plan. It’s called neo-liberalism and it poisons everything it touches.
For 40 years
Everything was so great for the working class before…(checks notes)…1984…
I started working in 1985. Things are undeniably worse than they were then. Yeah minimum wage looked like shit comparatively but there was still 5c candy.
“Boss? Why are you telling me this? I thought you hated Leftism.”
Folks, the man getting the wakeup call is about 40 years old. The concierge is talking about him personally losing, not the class as a whole.
Ronald Reagan and the Chicago School of Economics opened the doors to neoliberalism and its nefarious consequences we see today
Dont forget Pinochet
40 years? A case could be made that FDR was the turning point.
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