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    7 months ago

    AA24 - Day 1 - Shepherds of Stirling: Varen

    I had everything setup this morning to join the Mammoth Mafia for another AA, but after u/hugbckt’s call to join Shepherds of Stirling yesterday, I changed my mind at the last minute. A month of Varen and the Mutton base in support of a 4-H charity and a cool new flair was just too good an opportunity to pass up.

    I’ve managed to take this razor with a Gillette Platinum blade to 23 shaves before, so I’ll see if I can push past that number for all 31 days this month.

    For u/EldrormR’s Raw Hoggin’ challenge, this new Zenith boar brush is unbleached, which is new for me, and the stank on this knot is potent. Right now the knot feels good. However, it’s not very dense, so hopefully it won’t become floppy during the break-in.

    Brush Break-In Progress Album

    Tub Weight: 201g