Then there’s a little horse inside communism that say gay space communism
It’s so weird that we have a whole civilization of people resolutely pretending to know what words mean.
is so incredibly unfunny. The joke is that there’s a Trojan horse for socialism, which isn’t funny, but it’s already a complete joke. Saying ”there’s another horse inside it too and it’s gommulism” adds nothing except makes it more complicated for no payoff.
Maybe he should start doing political cartoons, that sounds like something Ben Garrison would do.
I don’t even think this is a joke, he’s just that stupid
It’s either you stop at one layer, or you overdo it several times over
There’s another horse inside the communism horse and it’s labeled “posadism,” and then inside that one is another horse labeled “releasing Silksong” and then another one labeled “but Hornet is gay and trans”
“and inside communism there’s a horse that says” wealth redistribution" and I’d really like to keep my money soo uuuh guys? "
Inside you are two horses
Mr. Hands and Clopp
You are going to die from severe internal trauma
major fracture detected
gmod collision sounds
The way the layman uses the term communism to describe a political movement or a hardcore version of socialism makes me cringe
When I don’t like something it’s socialism. And if I like it even less, it’s communism.
Is it very incorrect to consider socialism as a deliberate pathway to communism? Asking sincerely
You mean socialism = soon to be communism? Sweden is a socialist-capitalist country, very far away from communism.
sweden is a regular euro liberal country that still has a reputation of being a good socdem country because during the Palme years 40-50 years ago it was better than most euro countries, and somehow it’s still riding high on that reputation. since the 90s the whole social welfare system has been dismantled, public utilities have been privatized, and now it’s just another laughable euro country ruled by unholy coalitions of neoliberals, populists and blairites.
if you want to see a “socialist-capitalist” country, there are a couple of socialist countries in east asia that implemented some market reforms in the 80s/90s to build up productive forces while still having a socialist control of the economy. they seem to be doing okay.
Sweden is social democratic, which is just capitalism with some extra crumbs given to the poor. It’s not socialist as the workers do not own the means of production nor is there any large scale political machine pushing to do that.
Capitalism with broader safety nets is still Capitalism, not Socialism. Definitely far from Communism, yes, but also far from Socialism. This isn’t about “ideological purity” or other such nonsense, there is a material difference in trajectory that impacts the whole of society.
Can you explain why the fundamental control of society has changed hands in the Nordic Countries from the people with the most wealth and ownership of Capital, to the workers? If not, it’s still Capitalist.
Governments and doing stuff, etc.
These two bumbling failsons wouldn’t know what socialism or communism is even if it broke into their house and upper decker’d their toilet.
Shapiro probably knows, lying about it is the whole grift. Musk I wouldn’t put it past him to be a genuine dumbass.
Why are chuds so aggressively incapable of creativity? How many times have they used the trojan horse allegory by now?
How many more Rubicons must be brutalized
The Rubicon has been crossed, the die cast, the horse trojaned. It is officially the end of the west.
I bet every time
replies to
our favorite small son excitedly hopes it’s going to result in funding for one of his movie scripts and he goes “ahh! My scripts!” while shoving papers around the high-school desk he still uses at home when doing “work.”
Mr Feeny…
I saw he called Walz “Mr. Feeny” recently and uh … …
Oh boy…
And there’s another little horse inside the communism horse hiding anarchy and Satan! It’s horses all the way down
Edit: should have read the comments first. Everyone’s already adding more horses
Maybe that is just Melon Husk’s way of realizing that the goal of socialism is the transition into communism…? No, that would give him too much credit
Well he said he is an anarcho syndicalist and when did he ever lie?
wtf. what did he play kaiserreich once and just sort of picked that up?
He probably watched a Chomsky video once
Chuds pick ideology based on aesthetic alone, not actual underlying theory and praxis. That’s why fascism has always deeply cared about fashion and symbolism, because it must be “cool” to have broad appeal.
The very fact that Musk is extremely anti-Union should be enough to show that even he can’t truly delude himself into being an actual Anarcho-Syndicalist.
Didn’t he try to trade a horse for sex
This guy should stay away from horses entirely
I fucking wish, holy shit. The dems would finally be cool.
horses are, incidentally, a form of transportation that’s renewable and doesnt require that african children mine the latest unobtanium.
A frequent day dream of mine is oil all somehow just disappearing, and riding a horse around town instead.
I wish Copala was 1% as left as the right thinks she is.
Epic own my good sir 🤓
Inside the gay space communism horse is a piss horse
tell me more about that horse
it makes bad posts