Here’s the rules:

1: Post something you have never done that you think many people do. 2: Read the other posts, if you have done that thing, upvote it. If you have not done that thing, downvote it. 3: If you believe the person is lying, call them out on it in a reply. 4: If you are called out, give the full story. 4a: If you see a thread containing the full story, boost the person you think is right and truthful.

Person who has the most upvotes when the thread dies wins.

      2 minutes ago

      Yeah they are. One is less hassle, comes with no stigma and therefore no stress. “Why yes I have had a drink, officer, but just the one.”

      Also if you’re a lightweight like me, you reach your limit at 2 pints. With cannabis? Who the hell knows, the quantities and potencies are still being standardized, and if you want to mix a lighter load you have to mix in more tobacco which is another stimulant.

      No thanks, I’ll have my brown lake water with 3% alcohol mixed in please.