Pretty much every article I can remember about Huawei mentions that “experts” and “officials” are “concerned” about China backdooring Huawei’s products, but has there been any cases of that? Or is it all just speculation? TikTok is the most popular app in the world and China barely has any control of it outside of its borders.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    the year is 2036. PLA paratroopers land in my backyard. my hands up, they lift an optical device up to scan me.
    “you know i’m cool,” i say. flagged as a communist thanks to Chinese spy systems built into our very CPUs and network infrastructure, the paratroopers toss me a bag with a QBZ-34 helium-fusion initiated rail gun, lightweight powered exoskeleton, and other kit and tell me it’s time to get to work.