this is super fucking common. theres so many cool people going back and re-translating “eunuchs” to be transgender people because they are described in the feminine and referred to themselves as women, it was a bunch of psycho english people that decided to call them eunuchs
B-but that’s applying modern standards to historical and non-European societies! Everyone knows the Western transgender was invented by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1923!
I wonder where else, and what time periods have this as the same (“eunuchs” in western or modern mistranslations/misrepresentation actually being trans people)? While there are also no doubt also cases of the term being accurate, it does make one wonder- and it’s somewhat heartwarming to think that there was such acceptance on some level, not that it’s so odd for pre-Christian (or even then, before trans identity started getting weaponized by the reactionary culture wars) cultures…
Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
1-2 are what we’d call cis. 3, 4, 5 and 7 are different presentations of being intersex. 6 and 8 are what we’d call trans and also include eunuchs etc.
Protestants and counter reformationists specifically in fact. The Catholic church was fairly tolerant of European gender non conformist such as the Feminilli before 1500
Loan words are fun, your language either lacks a word for a concept or it’s very obscure so you just grab one from a neighboring culture. English has loads of them from French
this is super fucking common. theres so many cool people going back and re-translating “eunuchs” to be transgender people because they are described in the feminine and referred to themselves as women, it was a bunch of psycho english people that decided to call them eunuchs
uhh actually in 2014 by a tumblr user, thanks
i referred to myself as a eunuch before then
Actually eunuchs was invented at Bell Labs in 1969.
I wonder where else, and what time periods have this as the same (“eunuchs” in western or modern mistranslations/misrepresentation actually being trans people)? While there are also no doubt also cases of the term being accurate, it does make one wonder- and it’s somewhat heartwarming to think that there was such acceptance on some level, not that it’s so odd for pre-Christian (or even then, before trans identity started getting weaponized by the reactionary culture wars) cultures…
There’s eight genders in the Talmud
1-2 are what we’d call cis. 3, 4, 5 and 7 are different presentations of being intersex. 6 and 8 are what we’d call trans and also include eunuchs etc.
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Protestants and counter reformationists specifically in fact. The Catholic church was fairly tolerant of European gender non conformist such as the Feminilli before 1500
Can you expand on this? That’s greek after all right?
Probably a loan word at some point
Huh the talmud is younger than I thought then
Yeah the Torah is the older one.
Loan words are fun, your language either lacks a word for a concept or it’s very obscure so you just grab one from a neighboring culture. English has loads of them from French
At this point english is to french as swiss is to german.