• webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
    9 hours ago

    Honestly the only people worried about learning a new OS are people that have not even tried another OS for longer then 15 minuts in the last few years.

    The desktop is still a desktop so is the taskbar.

    The mouse works like a mouse, browser works like a browser and the majority of apps these days are browser apps.

    The single actual difference i can think off is that rather then downloading an exe you use something similar to an appstore if your non technical or the command line if you don’t.

    And if you are just a little technical you can acutely download that exe and install/run it just fine. (Wine)

    • Broken@lemmy.ml
      7 hours ago

      Worrying about learning an new OS isn’t as simple as you make it. It takes time, dedication, and will power to work through the pain points.

      Most Linux users give answers like “just use Linux” but it’s not that simple. Yes, it’s easier to switch these days because more and more apps are browser/cloud based. But technically a chrome book would be an easier switch if that’s the mentality.

      I “use” my PC. I don’t simply check email and go on Facebook. I’m currently trying Linux for probably the 4th or 5th time. It’s easier to get into these days, but it still functions completely differently than Windows, as it should.

      For example, It took me at least an hour to figure out how to partition and mount a drive. There’s some not so clear information out there so finding the right info wasn’t as easy as it should be. OK no big deal, now I know, but I don’t necessarily want to chase answers like that every time I use my computer.

      Lastly, I’ve never accepted using Wine as a work around for unsupported programs. OK, maybe if you have 1, but not if you have 6. That’s not an acceptable solution when your needs scale up like that. And I have many. I’m not going to 100% get away from Windows. It sucks, but it’s reality.

      • webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
        6 hours ago

        You do sound like a person knowledge enough to solve their own issues and you have been trying linux so I wouldn’t lump you in with the majority of users that believe that all of linux requires terminal knowledge.

        I let you in on a secret. I still have my windows drive in dual boot. I was very scared of linux, i just saw a hyprland gif and fell in love. As a windows poweruser i could not fully commit on that whim.

        I have not booted into it in months and i use the same drive to install proton games. (So i can theoretically launch them from both sides) but i do plan to keep it there, just in case. At least for as long as i use that machine.

        So by all means you are pretty much as much a limux user as i am, the only difference is with what os we dedicate time.

        Recently i got into a powershell course from work and i know you can use 7 on unix, but i am actually thinking of spinning up some windows vm. My work is all windows so i do need to keep up. And there are good things i could say about it.

        But i have a personal drive to learn linux, rooted in the philosophy of technological freedom, unrestricted by corporate whims. One day i hope to truly leave windows for a foss new world (does not need to be linux) and i hope sincere that on your own time, you will also join me there.