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Protect Hasan at all costs, despite his flaws he’s fairly principled and a decent left voice in a sea of reactionary streamer shitheads.
ive only ever clicked on his youtube videos where he is shitting on the worst people so for my my impression of him is solid
Sometimes I feel like folks who criticize Hasan don’t have a lot of experience working with comrades IRL. A lot more diversity out there than there is here. He has a reformist streak and sees value in people like AOC but other than that he’s in line with any other commie views.
I work with comrades irl but I choose to work with MLs and not a bunch of libs. Usually when we have to work with other groups it just illuminates how organisationally and ideologically hopeless they are.
I don’t follow hasan, or any online personalities really, but I heard something about him saying that America deserved 9/11. Was that out of context or something?
The context was that he was correct and based.
Not really. “Deserved” is probably too strong of phrasing, I’d probably say “the US had 9/11 coming” myself, but the sentiment is about the same.
when is the last time he’s talked about covid or worn a mask at all
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