She’s very excitable and barks loudly and rapid-fire and it takes basically nothing to set her off. It’s loud enough to give me a headache through a closed door, and from my perspective the barking fits come more or less at random. Not helping things is that my family thinks it’s hilarious to get her riled up and does it constantly agony-shivering

But if you say you don’t like dogs, people act like there is something wrong with you and assume you must be a bad person lukashenko-tired

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    3 months ago

    I love dogs, but hate when dog owners treat dogs as a decoration rather than an active social animal with a wide range of needs.

    If you can’t make sure a dog has a behavioral standard, at least an hour of walking per day, and at least 6 hours of attention per day, you should not have a dog. If you are going to lock your dog up or leave it in the yard all the time or otherwise turn it into a frenzied ball of nerves that you compulsively sidestep or make excuses for, you should not have a dog.

    If you just want an animal to come home to after work, you should have a cat or two.