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    3 months ago

    03.12.2024 - A Barbershop on Tuesday

    • Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
    • Razor: RazoRock Hawk V2 w/ Superknurl handle
    • Blade: KAI Protouch MG
    • Lather: HAGS - Barberwood
    • Post-Shave: HAGS - Barberwood AS toner; moisturizer
    • Fragrance: Bois 1920 - Oro Nero EdP

    -> a quick single pass shave on both head and face before my appointment at the optician for getting new glasses.

    A very nice shave regardless. Wanted to smell good but inoffensive, so barbershop scents are a good choice for that. The Hawk V2 is good for shaping my goatee area, generally SE razors are very favourable for getting sharp lines.