So I had a convo w a lib recently and they said that I am hypocritical to have jeans or enjoy American TV and movies or enjoy anything in American culture or American inventions if I dislike the way our country is run and the state of our culture and politics. So I gave a few examples of things they like that would make them “hypocritical” by that logic. I said that they shouldn’t be allowed to eat ice cream or play Skyrim (umm no dragons for you, those are Chinese and Korean by origin) no more satellites because the big bad Soviets sent Sputnik. I obviously let them know I don’t actually believe that and they should be allowed to wear and eat and play what they want without having to tiptoe on eggshells around nonexistent ideological barriers. But just out of curiosity, what would be other examples of cultural influences or inventions that Libs/conservatives would have to divest themselves of(if they followed this dumb logic they way that they expect us to)?

    2 years ago

    If that’s the case then the only legitimate way to criticize capitalism is by eating berries and living in a cave. I ignore those litmus tests because it goes both ways. Since to them I’m either a hippocrite because I use capitalists products or I’m a poor freeloader who wants to own other people’s stuff for free. When people make that asinine claim I usually just point out that black slaves in the south participated in slavery while being very much against such practices, imo there’s no need to use hypothetical this and that to shut them down.