I met a woman on a dating site. We’d made it past the opening introductions to the “here’s my number text me sometime” phase but hadn’t had a date yet.
One of the first texts I got from her she asked if I’d consider shaving my beard. I told her I would consider it, I’m not super attached to the thing. But I’m not going to do it for you. Trying to change me before we even meet in person is the darkest shade of red flag.
When I needed open heart surgery, they shaved me nose to knees.
I had to send a photo to my wife since she had never seen me without the beard… “So… you’re going to think you’re in the wrong room… you’re not…”
The old dirty seagull under there was Mitch McConnell all along
Why hell? It’s not an hot take at all
Mark my words: any community in a link aggregator like Lemmy or Reddit with even a remotely subjective name is eventually bound to become completely diluted well beyond what even the most generous interpretation of that name would allow. /r/Blackmagicfuckery? Turn it into shitty magic tricks for 5 year olds. /r/mildlyinteresting and /r/mildlyinfuriating? How about insanely interesting and infuriating stuff? /c/ImGoingToHellForThis? Mildly rude hot takes they saw posted on /r/me_irl. /r/TikTokCringe? Literally any TikTok. /r/AmITheAsshole? Describe yourself in the most morally unambiguous situation imaginable. /r/unpopularopinion? Played-out rants against things that are almost universally unpopular. /r/facepalm? A political tweet completely unrelated to facepalming that’s so reposted it’s somehow becoming washed out (5.1k upvotes in 3 hours). /r/comedyheaven? Instead of jokes that are so bad they died and ascended, just completely normal and obviously funny jokes. /r/MurderedByWords? Light, sentence-long rebukes.
Ultimately the problem here is that once posts reach the front page, few people bother to seriously curate if what they’re looking at actually belongs in the community it came from. To them, it’s just one part of the big amalgam of things they like that is their front page, so they upvote and move on. Now the top posts of a community start filling up with low-effort garbage, and eventually, it dilutes. In communities with well-defined names, moderation is much easier and less subjective, so these shitty posts don’t reach the front page and inspire people to create more for easy upvotes.
I only mentioned one Lemmy community because I think we’re small enough to have not gotten to that phase yet. Instead, we’re in the “oh my god literally every post from my niche community reaches the front page and gets immediately downvoted by people who don’t care about the niche subject” phase.
/r/MurderedByWords? Light, sentence-long rebukes.
That sub was my worst online failure.
/r/Cozyspaces - pictures of interiors, any interiors /r/Liminalspaces - pictures of places without people
(a couple of my pet gripes)
the problem here is that once posts reach the front page, few people bother to seriously curate if what they’re looking at actually belongs in the community it came from. … Now the top posts of a community start filling up with low-effort garbage, and eventually, it dilutes.
Character idea: a chaotic-good programmer who makes an army of “anti-dilution” bots to combat this effect by selective downvoting. That progammer’s name: The Antediluvian.
Lots of unworthy posts in the sub today.
an hot take
Exactly. No horny anymore.
deleted by creator
Is that Mitch McConnell’s face bottom? Lol
Chronic Tate syndrome
You are not going to Hell for this.
what makes you so sure?
i shaved and cut my hair once for a job interview. never. again.
They shaved wrong body area.