Since it’s so quiet here, why not a general question to get things started? How often do you have sex (however you define it) and how often would be your ideal? And any details you feel relevant.

We are mid-50s and the kids left at home are teens now so family responsibilities are eased (more free time) we average just over 1x/day, and my ideal is once or twice a day.

    1 year ago

    It depends, mostly on how consumed my local girlfriend is with work. When she’s not on a major case, usually once a day, or 2-3 times if we are both off from work on the same day, though that doesn’t happen often. Otherwise, a few times a week with more casual partners. I’ve only been in the same place as my distance girlfriend once, but that was a crazy fucking week.

    Ideally, at least one long fuck and a couple quick ones a day. Though I wouldn’t say no to more.

    BTW, I’m not cheating; everyone involved knows it’s not exclusive. ♥