• lordnikon@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The problem with lore is if you use it when it makes sense it’s great and when you disregard it when it makes sense to make a better story and it’s good no one really notices. Taking from the star trek world the trill was a cool concept and they wanted to reuse that species to tell a cool story with dax but didn’t want to cover up Terry’s face and wanted the joining to be a blending rather than the Symbiote be the dominant consciousness.

    So you know how they resolve the changes… They didn’t and it was good and almost no one cared and at most it was fun for nerds to try to come up with headcannon to resolve the two but should never brought to the screen as it would sound like fanfiction as it always does.

    From trying to fix the parsec goof to why do klingons look different in TOS. It never turns out well unless you have a compelling story driven angle then like I said we don’t notice. As you as a writer are driving the lore not letting the lore drive you.