Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Couldn’t hurt to have another option to use as leverage…
I would definitely not be putting the job apps on hold if I were you, given the track record of your current place… Fingers crossed you get what you want though because yeah house hunting is shit when in a new job. Too many places need proof of employment within the last 12 months and will require contact details from previous employers for a reference to complete the form…
That’s exactly right. Probation ends on Thursday and there’s no issue there at all.
If they cough up the pay rise i can deal with the chaos. But we’ll see.