Map is old. Needs an update because it’s gotten a whole worse since then.
Can we at least move the red dot out of Texas?
Sure. You can move it to Alabama, or Florida.
I think this map is incorrect. It assumes people actually own things and property and all.
More like the 1% owns it all, and sells the false idea of ownership to the rest in taxes.
jesse wtf are you talking about
Nobody owns anything anymore. The oligarchs, CEOs and politicians own everything, while only giving the everyday citizens a false idea of ownership via taxes and subscriptions.
If “ownership” has any practical meaning at all, I’m pretty sure I own my toothbrush.
In what ways do taxes give us a sense of ownership? Ownership of what?
In many places, like here in Orange County California, the local stores stopped carrying “firm” bristle toothbrushes. They only carry more expensive and flashy “soft” bristle varieties in all kinds of nonsense designs and only single and double packs. If you live anywhere poorer, you will notice that ALL of the products sold are different between these areas. If you are very self aware, you may notice that these much more expensive flashy products work terribly and the bristles splay after a week or two in comparison to the versions available in poorer areas where the same amount if money buys an 8-12 multi pack, and each brush will last a couple of months before splaying.
Information such as this is limited. This is about autonomy. It is also about the ancient issue of false weighted scales in a forum market just in a modern context. Property is not owned when you still pay for extra junk to keep hold of it. That is renting from the real owners just by another name.
You think you own your toothbrush. Do you, when someone is able to manipulate your perception of choice and dial it how often you repurchase it. Similarly, you do not own property that you do not control. Like your phone is controlled and therefore owned by whomever controls the orphaned kernel and binary modules that make it impossible for anyone to maintain without the SOC and modem hardware documentation. Everything is like this in the present dystopian world. Someone is manipulating and skimming every product and purchase without adding or providing value. This is possible because they are cashing out on citizenship and autonomy often in subtle enough ways to go unnoticed.
This is so well put and relevant. Thank you for you write up, I really appreciate the perspective.
Look back at the OG meme. It suggests the people have 100% ownership of the land, dispersed unevenly though.
When clearly we do not. Most everyone does not own the dirt they live and dwell on. If you owned it, you wouldn’t have to keep paying for it.
The meme has nothing to do with land ownership, it’s giving a visual example of wealth differential by diving a map of the US into sections.
The meme literally says own in every section.
How else is anyone supposed to interpret the words presented to them?
Perhaps you missed this: the meme says “if U.S. land mass were divided like U.S. wealth.” It’s a simile; it doesn’t mean that this really is the actual ratio that U.S. land is divided.
Also, remember that many modern devices are unnecessarily connected to the internet. Why WiFi on the refrigerator? Why on the toaster? Why on the microwave?
Do you even own your toothbrush anymore? It won’t be long and they’ll have you paying a subscription for your toothbrush to scan your DNA at this rate…
1% would own this, 99% would rent this.
Tag yourself, I’m in the red dot.
Can we please move the red dot out of Texas, maybe someplace with nicer, well everything
This reminds me about this calculation about the total volume of all humans on earth. And how small it actually is.
Something like
66.4 liters * 8e9 = 0.53km³
.NGE was right about their orange juice.