Okay, we know that the US can’t be trusted because it’s political compass wil lalways be changing. So what now? We need to organize, but how? Volt Europa is pretty weak and several people I have met have expressed dislike for them, the EU is gonna be reactive instead of proactive towards threats as always, Elon is trying to buy out more parties in EU…

How to proceed? Anything to do that doesn’t seem hopeless, like voting for paneuropean parties, or leaving US based platforms for EU based, less developed platforms (like Peertube instead of Youtube, or Matrix instead of Whatsapp?

I wish EU was stronger and both the EU and its citizens (and netizens) les reliant on external services (like youtube, reddit, whatsapp, discord, etc.), and I want to do something about it, but I feel completely lost and hopeless.

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
    1 month ago

    I’m always a fan of starting with local things to make the world a better place. Idk, be nice to your neighbours, or gather your friends and family. Take care of each other. I think solidarity and community is important. You could also volunteer some work for society. Of course also spread the word, keep up the fight for democracy, freedom… Tell other people and educate them about things they might want to know. And that includes digital freedom… I also think Europe is very important. And I’m sad it’s not as strong and loud as we’d need it to be. But I’m just not sure if this requires a top-down approach, or if it’s just fine to do it the other way around and start with small and local things. Because that’s certainly easier than to change Elon Musk’s mind or something like that.