There’s no indication that tariffs are going to be followed by an announcement of massive financing or investment into industrial capacity in the United States. Even if they released the news Wednesday, it would take years to take effect. The most likely outcome is that the economy starts to shit itself. The stock market, by no means the economy itself, will start to mirror anxiety and concerns about consumer confidence, revenue, and income. Companies already laying off people due to high interest rate on loans (which is how they make payroll) will look to cut more people, as inflation, and the Fed’s possible rate increase to counteract it, will bring the economy to stagflation, net 0 or sub 2% growth and ramped up inflation.
Now Trump is an opportunist, unlike Kamala who didn’t believe in anything, Trump will grab whatever works. If the tariffs start to collapse the economy, my assumption is that he’ll try something deemed “controversial” like using war power acts to claim control of production at home. Most likely he’ll start fielding phone calls from all the oligarchs begging him to cut this and that company, this and that industry a break, which he might or might not acquiesce to depending on how ugly they are, or how beautiful their industry are.
There’s no indication that tariffs are going to be followed by an announcement of massive financing or investment into industrial capacity in the United States. Even if they released the news Wednesday, it would take years to take effect. The most likely outcome is that the economy starts to shit itself. The stock market, by no means the economy itself, will start to mirror anxiety and concerns about consumer confidence, revenue, and income. Companies already laying off people due to high interest rate on loans (which is how they make payroll) will look to cut more people, as inflation, and the Fed’s possible rate increase to counteract it, will bring the economy to stagflation, net 0 or sub 2% growth and ramped up inflation.Now Trump is an opportunist, unlike Kamala who didn’t believe in anything, Trump will grab whatever works. If the tariffs start to collapse the economy, my assumption is that he’ll try something deemed “controversial” like using war power acts to claim control of production at home. Most likely he’ll start fielding phone calls from all the oligarchs begging him to cut this and that company, this and that industry a break, which he might or might not acquiesce to depending on how ugly they are, or how beautiful their industry are.False alarm, lmao