“There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.”
What the republicans are doing is going to (and is already starting to) blow up. It’s not that democrats didn’t realize they could do that, it’s that they knew better.
excuse me, sir, did you run this comment by the Senate Parliamentarian? I believe you may have violated protocols and norms by expressing this statement unilaterally. you cannot simply “do” something because you are inspired to, unless it is starting and supporting proxy wars against geopolitical rivals or just doing plain old genocide. that’s always OK.
Don’t worry, they’re making sure to include enough to count under the “plain old genocide” clause
For the record, I’m disgusted by how most democrats have been enabling Israel’s human rights abuses.
As far as I can tell, both parties have been not only enabling Israel, but literally throwing tens of billions of dollars at them to keep going.
P.S. That’s not the only thing I was referring to with my above comment though.
Yeah, it’s wrong when either party does it.
No one is saying that all bureaucracy is good, but giving a bunch of mid-twenties recent graduates access to classified material without going through the proper security protocols first is a massive security risk. You’re like a kid playing with matches in a gasoline refinery saying “Look, I’ve been playing with matches for several hours and nothing bad has happened. Adults are stupid.”
This is just my personal opinion, but this seems like a misrepresentation of what we see in reality. A bunch of groypers plugging into the US treasury is bad for many people, I agree. What I think is a misrepresentation is the idea that while they do these wild things and sometimes get stopped, many times they 1. Don’t get stopped at all. 2. Whatever action that would stop them gets tied up in court for years so they do this fucked up shit for a while and do the damage 3. They get stopped quick but the damage is done and boundaries get pushed.
What people are saying when they say the democrats are controlled opposition, is that they don’t even attempt to take these drastic actions for the relatively “good” things they say want to do but never do. Could the Biden admin have used its powers to materially fight against the abortion bans? Or do something actionable about student loans? And I don’t even want to get into foreign policy. What we see in reality is that they are not willing to bend anything to do what they want to, while they watch the other party do fucked up shit for years. And the truth seems to be, actually they don’t ever intend to do anything good for people, they barely try.
I’ve never seen anyone so aggressively miss a point before
Please spell it out for me, then.
If the Republicans can do all this for bad things and no one can stop them then the Democrats always had the ability to do this for the good things they purport to be in favor of, and actively chose not to (because they actually do not want good things to happen)
“Make me smarter”
Ah yes, the blowback of civility and norms is imminent and the parliamentarian will shut down all this nonsense
Lol read that as paramilitarian and got very excited for a second.