Here is the original poll in German.

German voters are overwhelmingly concerned about foreign election interference according to a new poll published by the Brussels-based digital industry association Bitkom.

Overall, the poll found that 88% of the more than 1,000 eligible voters surveyed expressed fear that outside forces, whether governments, groups or individuals, would actively attempt to sway the vote through social media campaigns.

Ranked highest among those suspected of nefarious activity was Russia (45%), followed by the US (42%) and China (26%). There was also concern voiced over East European actors (8%).

Those voters polled also provided insight into how they form their political opinions, with 82% citing conversations with friends and family, 76% television and 69% the internet.

Some 80% of respondents felt the next government should address the problem of potential internet and social media misinformation by prioritizing digital policy.

    28 days ago

    Gerrymandering is unknown over here, we do have personalised elections but that only influences who specifically of a party gets into parliament, not the percentages the different parties get. Voter intimidation would cause an absolute clusterfuck and the courts would probably invalidate the vote, mis/disinformation well we’ve had that since forever it’s politics as usual. The Bild hasn’t changed. Things like ballot stuffing are completely unheard of, there’s too many eyes on everything, it’s very common to see local party people as election observers, and with that I mean quite literally every party, also the local municipal one which doesn’t even run on the state/federal level. It’s a ritual.

    Fun fact: You generally don’t lose your right to vote when being committed of a crime, only the right to assume office, for some time, even for murder etc. Exception: Political crimes like high treason and, now that’s poetic justice, electoral fraud.