One is for Saturday, the other is for Sunday.
Mon - Fri is for alcoholism and petty crime.
Gooning day after edging day, easy decision
you gotta alternate, can’t just exercise one muscle, but fuck me if I can decide what one, I need somebody to make these decisions for me…
Its called a coin flip :)
Or a goon buddy 😁
[Genuine] Isn’t gooning and edging the same thing?
AFAIK gooning is nonstop nutting and edging is just reaching the edge without the payoff
Well, after searching for a while it seems like both of the terms are used with the meaning of edging but gooning comes with video overstimulation. This meme seems to use my previous definition
video overstimulation?
watching porn and sinking into “degeneracy”
Ah, something we do not enjoy. Thank you for explaining!
I don’t know if you’ve seen the tiktok videos with multiple screens like Subway surfers or Family Guy videos to provide more stimulation if you zone out of the original video. It would be the same but with porn in the main and subscreens.
Our goodnes no, that sounds terrible and unlikely to work on us. Thanks for explaining though!
No problem!
That’s not the definition we’ve found in dictionaries but thank you for providing another definition! That’s very helpful 🙂
Gooning is overendulging in masturbation until you’ve “fucked yourself silly”, often involves edging for hours and hours, but can also be orgasming over and over.
Edging is masturbating until you’re at the edge of orgasm, without actually orgasming, extending your playtime.
none of em…
jus get it done with, jus do the thing so u don hav evil feels for hopefully long…
I don’t think they’re evil feels, but… yeah i can relate to just wanting it out of the way. Pretransition woes. Maybe someday I’ll actually be able to feel good about the physical act 😣
i personally think they’re evil feels cuzzzz
warning!! spoopy aliens in this text
i feel that it feels like an alien sickness - where like - humans get that urge and then they gotta get rid of it somehow… it feels unnatural i thinks…
imagine a world where like - those feels jus wouldn’t exist and like - u could actually do cool stuff instead of trying to top off some cooldown thingy to be more productive for oncespoopy alien welcoming party!!
I get it - I usually end up thinking about it in those terms.
But then I remember - that’s also how I think about picking out clothes, or grooming, or most social interactions; basically, anything involving making an impression or fitting in.
It was only once I discovered the trans community that I began to believe that being seen could actually feel positive; that belonging was something I could actually experience. I developed a hypothesis - maybe the way I was trying to be seen and to belong was the problem. It was the only way I was taught. But you’re here, all of you, learning to do it your way, and finding joy in it.
I have not had the chance to test this hypothesis; I’m just trying to get by until I can. But I have come, over a long period of time, to believe it to be true.
So - maybe you’ll have a moment like this, too! Maybe, at some point in your life, you’ll discover that an entire facet of human experience that you always thought just wasn’t for you… suddenly is.
Or maybe you won’t, and that’s fine too! There are tons of other feels to feel and ways to be.
(Don’t really know how to conclude this little spiel… do bear in mind that I’m mostly working out my own feelings here, so if it doesn’t make sense to you, feel free to take it with a grain of salt)
The hardest of choices requires the strongest of wills, unfortunately my will is weak (@~@)
…Are y’all increasing your power levels? I feel like the left is something you do infrequently once you know your limit, whereas the right is for any day use.