Eh, banks give out loans for people to start restaurants all the time, and restaurants are notoriously risky businesses. There’s hundreds of worker-owned co-ops in the States, so it’s not impossible to find a bank that will fund them.
And if you want a reward for founding a business but want it to be a co-op there are methods thst are reasonable and fair like selling it bit by bit to the employee union at a reasonable price or willing your company to your workers.
Eh, banks give out loans for people to start restaurants all the time, and restaurants are notoriously risky businesses. There’s hundreds of worker-owned co-ops in the States, so it’s not impossible to find a bank that will fund them.
And if you want a reward for founding a business but want it to be a co-op there are methods thst are reasonable and fair like selling it bit by bit to the employee union at a reasonable price or willing your company to your workers.
** Citation needed.
Looks outside