The deck represents their accumulation of knowledge, and the graveyard represents the loss of it. Therefore, the goal is to cause their opponent to lose all their knowledge, thus becoming a “bimbo”.
To be fair, bimbofication / bimbofying, as a kink / fetish, can describe turning anything into that, even if they happen to (formerly) be a middle aged balding man who wasted an unmentionable amount of money on cards.
thank you, how is that “bimbofication”?
The deck represents their accumulation of knowledge, and the graveyard represents the loss of it. Therefore, the goal is to cause their opponent to lose all their knowledge, thus becoming a “bimbo”.
Thank you for your patience with me. I forgot there are other definitions of bimbo than sexy young not-so-smart lady.
To be fair, bimbofication / bimbofying, as a kink / fetish, can describe turning anything into that, even if they happen to (formerly) be a middle aged balding man who wasted an unmentionable amount of money on cards.